Living Green on the Cheap — The Cheap Life with Jeff Yeager

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25 thoughts on “Living Green on the Cheap — The Cheap Life with Jeff Yeager”

  1. My son stretches out the metal spiral backbone on an old notebook to use as a tv or radio antenna.

  2. Instead of paying someone to cut down 2 trees in my yard, and even worse, paying to have the stump removed, I enlisted the help of a few family, friends and neighbors to help cut them down, and then decided to repurpose the stumps. One of them became a birdbath, and the other became a flower planter. All it cost me was a little time and a meal to compensate my helpers, and it saved me hundreds of dollars that I would have had to pay a tree service!!

  3. Amen, Katiek329! And you can also cut up worn-out clothes to use as washcloths instead of buying new.

  4. Your idea is good in that it eliminates hot air current between the reflector such as aluminum foil and the window. This saves energy. However, the foil does get hot and can radiate heat energy into the room from the back side of it. So a good tip is to put some kind of insulation on this side of the foil. Paper will work, a layer of foam paper is better.

  5. CheapLifeChannel

    Your kind words have warmed my heart, talentlover2. Thank you for saying that, we here at the show are so honored to be sharing this information with you all, and we’re so happy it’s being so well received.

    Stay cheap!

  6. Neat idea, good for some folks, but if you want the sunlight in, need “opaque” or “frost” effect paper.

  7. You can also used dish soap, a bit of water and sponge if you’re doing it with cooking foil and just stick it to the window like wall paper. Then if you live in a hot temp area like me you don’t have to clean of the marks tape leaves behind

  8. Get rid of paper-towels! I have some white washcloths that I use instead, the 12 washcloths were about $3 the cost of the one roll of paper-towels. I bought them 4 years ago, and they are still going strong! Also, vinegar and water is one of the best cleaners out there.

  9. Over the course of the early spring, I collected well over 150 bags of already bagged leaves that were going to landfill. I have used the leaves in flower beds and areas of my yard where grass will not grow because of trees and low light conditions. My lea f island is an interesting addition to my landscape and will cut down on the cost of watering. Seems like a win/win situation all around for the environment and my checkbook.

  10. CheapLifeChannel

    Very smart to teach kids about ways to save energy early. You’re a good dad and a friend to Mom Earth!

  11. CheapLifeChannel

    Great point. Room-darkening shades can help keep the sun out and the cool in as well.

  12. I have 4 dogs and 1 cat. Every time I give them fresh water I use the old water for my plants..indoors and out!!

  13. CheapLifeChannel

    Awww… You made this Cheapskate’s day! Glad you are enjoying the Romaine. Thanks so much for being a fan. Hope you come visit us on Facebook and Twitter, too!

  14. CheapLifeChannel

    Yes, definitely green. Tell your wife we approve. But if she’s scared you’ll end up on hoarding show, you might need to agree on a number. 😉

  15. I’m trying to save as many vintage synthesizers as I can from ending up in landfills, so I buy lots of them. That’s “going green,” right? If so, please tell my wife. She just thinks I’m a crazy synth collector!

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