Review: Living World Green Hamster food

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25 thoughts on “Review: Living World Green Hamster food”

  1. this is a really random comment, oh well i like randomness!
    love your videos! and enter me please! 

  2. i am entering.
    I love your videos cc26!
    You really helped when i was starting off with my hammie.

  3. I have already subscribe, and liked most of your videos ( “most” is because
    I am just SO lazy that I can’t go through all your videos lol) and I would
    like to enter.

  4. By the way, the protein % is low for hamsters because since mice don’t need
    as much protein as hammies they make it the balanced so that hammies,
    gerbils, and mice can all eat it without it affecting their diet too much!
    Hope that clarifies it… I just wanted you to know that.

  5. 16% protein is very rare to find in hammie food now a days. I did buy the
    hazel hamster food from petco. My hammie squirt, loves it. The price of hh
    was $8.99.


  6. Awwwww, I can’t enter:( I’m soooooo sad I was really hoping that I would
    get picked;( because we don’t have living world products where I live, and
    how much money was that bag?????

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