Living Islam in the West – Abdurraheem Green

What do you Represent? – Abdurraheem Green. ABOUT THE SPEAKER – Abdur Raheem Green was born in Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania. His father was a c…

17 thoughts on “Living Islam in the West – Abdurraheem Green”


    Ask any Muslim if Muslims carried out the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings? If anyone
    tells you yes they did, send him or her right to hell where they belong!
    This is the cancer that is gnawing at the Ummah of Muhammad, peace and
    blessings be upon him becaue those Muslims serve other Gods.


  2. Hajjah Hamidah Haji Daud

    wherever we are, make sure we educate our children as proper Muslims. All
    religions in the world forbade their followers to draw any images, any
    pictures, any sculptures any idols. In this only Islam is free from all
    those mention above. We Muslim do not have any image of our ALLAH. We dare
    not because it is forbidden! People who worship idols, of any kinds, will
    never go to paradise. Turn to ALLAH ask His forgiveness. Allah is forever

  3. ” The People in West dies at 17 and buried at 70 ” Abdurraheem Green

    For my brothers who are living in West … I know most of you know this but
    I want you guys to watch this as a reminder and restrengthen your Emaan
    …!!! :-)

  4. heya khalifah i just subscribed to your channel.. what my only wish to you
    is.. please next time you upload a video. dont forget to put
    date,place,topic (when,where,topic). Jazāk Allāh Khayr :)


    “Living Islam in the West”

    Right here in the comments section you will see how many ‘Muslims’ are
    interested in the issues raised. They do not give a damn.


  6. The best thing to do as a Muslim family is to get rid of TV. I have seen
    its effect on the mind of Muslims. many Muslims who come to the west place
    their kids in public schools and let them watch TV. this is a deadly


    “Frank and brutal”? I have been worse than that for decades, but ‘Muslims’
    will still not listen! They know too much and they do not give a damn
    about REAL ISLAM!
    I know that my Islam stinks, but I know enough to be closer to the truth
    than millions of so-called Muslims.

    I prayed with a jobless Pakistani Muslim, a Martial Art teacher from
    Ilford who Abdur Raheem Green knew in the past, and that man was a crook
    who bragged he had 18 girl friends. He stole over £30,000 pounds from me
    including my Honda Civic car I purchased for £4,000, and £2000 of Charity
    Money for Kashmir as well as for Imran Khan’s Hospital.

    Not a single Muslim came to my help, not even Nazir Ahmed (“Lord”) who was
    a close friend of that family. I learned later that he was a local
    government agent working for the Intelligence services. I also received
    death threats and the Police, including Scotland Yard, did nothing. Nazir
    Ahmed proved treacherous as well.

    Muslims? What Muslims? Where?


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