Dead Rising 2 – Chuck Greene: Cross Dresser? Achievement/Trophy Guide (Wear All Types of Clothes)

Warning!!! you can miss 90 and 92!!!!!!! For 90, if you fail the case missions, you can also get it at Day 1 at 2pm on Luscious Lady, otherwise you can get it during case 3-2. For 92 there can be no more than 8 survivors on the map (this includes the secret ones) or the door will stay locked!!! I speeded up the video due to it being 17 minutes and i know you guys don’t want to sit around and watch cuck putting on clothes. This video shows you where all 92 pieces of clothing are in Dead Rising 2 in order to get the achievement/trophy Chuck Greene: Cross Dresser? Thanks for watching guys!! If this video helped then please share it or subscribe TheFalloutDude1 for more!!!

24 thoughts on “Dead Rising 2 – Chuck Greene: Cross Dresser? Achievement/Trophy Guide (Wear All Types of Clothes)”

  1. cupcakemaster1245

    @TheFalloutDude1 Hey I think you forgot the champions jacket in the arena or maybe it’s just DR2 OTR But you should check

  2. i dont get it the door isn’t opening and i’m by myself like i dont have any survivors with me and it stays locked!

  3. this one is fairly easy just extremely time consuming , just go in each place where u get clothing , e.g shopping malls duh then just sweep the shop ….. start on the left or right enter each shop and sweep that shop twice , when u sweep the mall u should end up in the first shop u started with

  4. TheFalloutDude1

    @SushiWashi You might have missed one because I am absolutely sure I got every one in this video.

  5. Argh, i did what you just showed in the video, and i havent got the achievement! Is this achievement glitched or what?

  6. MilitiaMackMusic

    @MikeyMike8969 it’s ok man i got it a while back =) thanks for the info though

  7. @MilitiaMackMusic Im a little late at getting back to you on this but just because you have a combo card it does not mean you made that weapon. You get combo cards by leveling up, saving survivors, and from the envirement. NOT FROM MAKING THE WEAPONS. Again you do not get combo cards from making the weapons so you can get all the cards without even making a single weapon. This is why you dont have the trophy. If you need help then message me

  8. I always wondered if you have to do it all in one playthrough or does it carry over when you restart the story?

  9. @RandomMonkey26 I can’t help you understand it any more. Basically what im saying is survivor missions don’t appear if there are already 8 survivors with you or on the map (or combined). If there is 4 survivor slots open, then the door will unlock because there are 4 survivors you can rescue in tape it or die.

  10. also, I dont get what you do for the last one, it is just go to the sports shop in parlisades mall at 6am and go through the door or do you need to do something else cuz i dont get the 8 survivors thing your talking about.
    please respond .

  11. I have failed the missions getting all the clothes and as you said you have to be on case 3-2. would I be able to restart the story on the the slot that I am getting all the clothes on and will I be able to keep all the clothes I have done so far.
    please respond.

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