Does NASA track and keep records of the amount of solar energy radiating?

throughout the solar system? Do they record the fluctuations in energy levels? Have any parallels to Global Warming been made? Where can that information be obtained?
Do the temperature changes on Mars parallel those on Earth?

3 thoughts on “Does NASA track and keep records of the amount of solar energy radiating?”

  1. Sure, so do a number of other governmental agencies in the U.S. and abroad, every solar observatory in the world, some special-purpose satellites, and a worldwide network of amateurs. I give one reference, with graphs, there are many. The info is of course correlated to climate change, no significant effect on the recent manmade climate change has been noted. No other planetary temperature changes correlate in either timing or effect with Earth’s anthropogenic global warming.

  2. Does NASA track and keep records of the amount of solar energy radiating throughout the solar system?

    Do they record the fluctuations in energy levels? Yes.

    Have any parallels to Global Warming been made?

    Slight oscillation in upward trend of global warming.

    Where can that information be obtained? through Wikipedia "Solar variation"; see refs therein for primary sources

    Do the temperature changes on Mars parallel those on Earth? As I understand it,sometimes yes, sometimes no

    To answer the question behind the question, solar fluctuations do not account for the current upward trend in temperature. A reduction is solar output does explain why the increase has been slower in the past decade than the decade before. Solar output variation may well have been responsible for the Little ice Age, since although we don’t have solar intensity records going back to then, we have sunspot counts which are a good proxy.

  3. I don’t think NASA does specifically, but there are a number of organizations which do.

    Satellites have been monitoring solar activity since 1979. Over the past 31 years, solar activity has remained completely flat on average. Here’s the data:

    Scientists have also put together data on solar activity from much further back using various proxies. For example, when there are more sunspots it also means there’s more solar activity, and people have been monitoring sunspot number for centuries. Here’s some longer-term data.

    As you can see, the current global warming is clearly not being caused by the Sun, since solar activity has not increased in over 50 years. This is the conclusion of every scientific study on the subject.

    We don’t have enough information about the temperature changes on Mars to compare them to those on Earth. We don’t even know for sure if Mars is warming, let alone how much. But we do know that the Sun isn’t causing global warming on Earth right now.

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