Does Solar Power Work? – Energy sources alternative to the current use of fossil fuels will one day be necessary, because they’ll be all we have! And while some aren’t as efficient as they could be, we’re moving forward with the technology and improving that efficiency every year. But did you know that, no matter the source of energy — fossil to solar to nuclear — steam plays a big part in powering our world. Here are some interesting ways that solar power, mirrors, and steam can change the world. You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: http

25 thoughts on “Does Solar Power Work?”

  1. @winmac2565 True, but the amount of nuclear disasters which have occurred compared to oil spills are much less in proportion. But there needs to be a better way to break down spent nuclear fuel into a relatively benign material.

  2. @boob1019 actually, you dont even need to be a geek. with this think called enginer u can make almost any hybrid double mpg.

  3. Some geek tweeked a toyota prius. It got like 80 mpg. A solar panel on the roof of the car. Too Cool… Bob

  4. We have just recently had solar panels installed on the roof and wired into the electric meter as are a lot of UK residents. The future is bright… The future is Orange 😉

  5. nuclear power for now, solar forever. we also need more effective energy storage. batteries drain and die too fast.

  6. @FluidGamePlay but if bombed or like japan 300 miles would go up in flames and radioactive waste land radioactive air if it hit the jet stream.

  7. nuclear power is the way of the future, it lasts for 100 years, using the thorium reactors, which does not produce nuclear waste

  8. @bmw2go11 your a fucking idiot, solar light you dick. thats why is called solar powered….

  9. @winmac2565 Chernobyl happened because of the idiots running the Soviet Union’s nuclear power plants. Read the facts about how Chernobyl happened/

  10. honestly hydrogen from water is great, but uses to much energy to break it down. solar is great but not for every where. id say it will be a combination of solar,wind and hydrogen that will be the future. but just my opinion.

  11. @mutley2209 Search youtube for the BBC Horizon – “can we build a star on Earth?” which explains what Nuclear Fusion is, how long it will be before plants are up and running and just how lost we’ll be without it. The maths behind the energy crisis that now looms put’s things into perspective especially when it comes to renewable energy sources which as the program demonstrates will never fill the gap left by fossil fuels, without Nuclear fusion we’re all in deep trouble

  12. Nuclear fusion is the only get out of jail free card humanity, it’s clean abundant energy that far outweighs the benefits of any other energy source. Solar power on a national basis for any country cannot work, costs too much, takes up land and doesn’t provide enough energy compared to fossil fuels or nuclear fission plants. Same for wind power, however they have great potential for individual households saving people money directly, government’s need to subsidise it for those in ‘fuel poverty’

  13. @MrcabooseVG transparent solar panel over the screen
    powerful thick solar panel on the back.
    just leaving it on your desk will at least trickle charge
    the technology is there, and it IS possible..

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