From towers to dishes to linear mirrors to troughs, concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies reflect and collect solar heat to generate electricity. A single CSP plant can generate enough power for about 90000 homes. This video explains what CSP is, how it works, and how systems like parabolic troughs produce renewable power. For more information on the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s CSP research, see the Solar Energy Technology Program’s Concentrating Solar Power Web page at
Its still surprise me, just how lots of people do not know about Xobotano Home Energy (do a search on google), although lots of people save huge amounts of money with this alternative energy. Thanks to my work buddy who told me about Xobotano Home Energy, I’ve cut my electric bill by 75% in under 1 month
السلام عليكم انا المهندس احمد فوزى اعمل فى اكبر شركة حاليا فى مصر فى تطبيقات الطاقة الشمسية ٠ شركة تعليمية تطبيقية استشارية ٠ من يريد التعلم – المساعدة للحصول على اللواذم المطلوبة لمشروعك – استشارة مجانية برجاء الاتصال على002-01095828007 شكرا
no idea, if i lived in a country where it was practical to produce energy this way, i’d be unequivocally for it. write your congressman or senator or whoever
“Sunshine is spread out thin and so is electricity.”- thomas edison
I wonder if you could do a hybrid concentrated solar/geothermal power plant with both a high temp steam power turbine and a lower temp power system (refrigerator compressor running backwards, temperature differences making electricity instead of electricity making temperature differences) basically you uses solar in the day and the geothermal resource at night, throwing any excess solar generated heat underground.
How about reflective solar cells.
Really Groovy!!!!!!
Super KOOOOOOLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m loving it 🙂
CSP is an attempt to squeeze solar into the old energy central station model. These systems are highly inefficient, expensive and are rapidly being out-competed by distributed solar PV. Point of use solar in the VAST built environment is cheaper, faster and generates more local economic benefits while protecting our intact desert ecosystems and nation’s cultural legacy.
a tiny almost unmeassurable ammount
What’s your alternative for money? nice username by the way
Everybody should be responsible for their own power and each house be powered with solar energy.
research the venus project. we can power our earth with this and other clean technology. but only by removing money from society. as long as we live with money we will not live with this technology fully.
Haha, I was thinking about storaging heat. There is still something missing in this idea, you can use it for desaltination of sea water and use that water to provide energy trough a water power central.
Do solar flares and sunspots have any adverse effect on solar energy systems?
about 5 km² for a small coal plant, which is not much considering just the Mojave desert is 65 000 km²
Stop mixing up the numbers here!
250MW peak times 8760hours a year equals = 2,19TWh. (250 * 10^6 J / s * 8760h/year).
Of course its not peak all the time (because of night and shade and sun – angles) . Say its peak sunny about 2500 hours/year. Then the produced amount would be: 250MW * 2500h/year = 0.625TWh or 625GWh. Still a handsome amount of power from a desert that can’t produce anything else of value.
How much land would such a power plant need compared to a modern coal burner?
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