Fox News Caught Lying/Knowing Nothing on Solar Power

–Fox News gets caught lying again, claims solar energy won’t work in the US because it isn’t sunny like in Germany, while the reality is that this is totally untrue. If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends… and hit that “like” button! Become a Member Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Get TDPS Gear: 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: Broadcast on February 11, 2013

14 thoughts on “Fox News Caught Lying/Knowing Nothing on Solar Power”

  1. Chris “Rambo” Dorner 4 x 0 LAPD (incl. helicoperts, dogs and drones).
    Now, that thats what I call some dumb cop asses kicked. Just one word: humiliation.

    Epic win for chris

  2. Nota bene: this is true IN GENERAL, with those who are also confused about the proper naming system calling themselves any old thing.

  3. The nerd in me has to inform about “II” and “Junior”: Junior is the son of a person who holds the same name, so thus, father is Senior, son is Junior. II (the Second, or Two) is for those children, say nephews or children of cousins, who are of the same generation that a son might be, and who share the same name of the older relative. This abates any confusion as to the relationship status.

  4. If I may ask, why do you insist on calling people who identify themselves as liberals as “libtards”? You understand it makes you look childish and immature, right?

  5. the 2nd refers to if your grandfather/grandmother or any grandparents had the same name.
    for Instance
    I’m the second because my grandfather has the same name and he’s the first.

  6. David, how do we find out if it gave you the money? I bought some stuff, and wanted to know if you received it. I bought after clicking the link.

  7. Let see 😉 Looking at worldmeter, today – 228 million MWh been used at this point, the total solar energy stricking earth today was 1,702,000 Mwh. Not all of it is usable. There is 1,310,284,800 sq.feet on earth, that give us 0.0013 MWh per sq.ft on average * 8,363,520,000sq.ft -> 300 sq.miles is not enough for the current worldwide energy consumption, however fitting every buildings in Tokyo with solar panels is enough 😉 We just need 6292 sq.miles. when it’s optimize for worldwide consumption

  8. precisely. any little bit of electricity that’s renewable reduces the drag on power stations and the carbon based fuel that supports most of them. I read somewhere that said if there was enough solar panels to cover 300 square miles, it’d take care of virtually all our power needs. now imagine breaking that big panel up into millions of smaller ones, a few on everyone’s roof.
    plus there are companies making solar panels that take the form of shingles and paint that can cover a house.

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