Ok, I doubt any of you can beat MY green living. The walls of my bedroom are bright, vibrant, lime green. Awesome, huh?
On a more serious note, this "green" stuff is a bunch of crap. Ok so that wasn’t very serious either, but why the heck does it have it’s own subcategory? The only way you’ll get me to go what the environmentalists call "green" is by going "red," in other words, going socialist, and letting the government force me to do things. You guys can all spot the problem with that picture, right?
So I guess my question really is, who out there really believes this crap? And if you do, why? Please explain, because I just don’t get it. The environment doesn’t need to be saved. It’s not choking or anything.
Oops. This was supposed to be in the "Green Living" section, but for some reason it didn’t go.
Last summer, my family and I traveled to Costa Rica, where I saw, for the first time in my life, virgin forrests and monkeys, sloths and exotic birds roaming free.
I contrast that with the way we live our day-to-day lives — polluting the air when we drive, flushing toxins into the ocean when we wash our clothes, and gradually replacing trees with tons of garbage. It’s disgusting!
I agree with you – the government needs to step in to make sweeping changes as easy as possible for the majority of people.
In the meantime, I’m making changes in my life so that 40 years from now, I can look people in the eye and say I may not have changed the environment or course of world events on my own, but I did my part.
its about living responsibly. the environtment in fact does need saving, but it isnt as dramatic or drastic as some people may want you to believe. The effects of global warming, for example, will not come with a sign that says "this is a result of global warming," but, years and years of scientific evidence and predictions that come true send a bright signal that we do have an effect on the natural processes of this planet.
Its about living responsibily. Thats what green is to me. Its not zealous, its realsitic. Its facing the reality that each of us is not the single most important thing is the universe, and there are consequences to our actions. Just because YOU dont know what they are or cannot see them doesnt mean that they arent there. So, when you have a choice to waste a lot or waste a little, choose to waste a little. When you can save energy, pollute less, or just consume less by making a minimal effort, then make the minimal effort.
Its about attitude. Green is unselfish. Green is about NOT thinking that you own the earth. Trust me, you, me, and everyone else is borrowing time here. When we are gone we will either leave a mess or a gift. Your visit here will either be helpful or harmful to man’s future on earth. You can either hide formthe truth or embrace it. I advise living truthfully.
I can’t quite tell whether you’re actually uninformed, or being sarcastic.
The environment is CRYING OUT LOUD, sobbing for the dear life of itself as we know it. 2000 species go extinct (FOREVER) every single day. People die from pollution in the air. Diseases are ravaging entire populations… a natural response to overpopulation. Everywhere you look is the work of humanity… and we’re f*cked.
Read anything by Daniel Quinn if you’re not convinced… the way we live is not natural, and people are FINALLY starting to clue in.
Our parents’ generation’s passion of the sixties has cleverly been dissolved into a fashion statement. Our railroads have been paved over by the funding of oil companies, as a way to prevent public transportation at an incredible cost. Urban development has been controlled to be as widespread as possible, ruining everything in its past.
I’m afraid to even have children, it’s so bad.
I don’t know how your eyes can be so clamped shut.
Well, hello from Singles & Dating!