Share in the ultimate in Green Homes with a home made entirely from Hemp! It is rare to find a home with a greener fingerprint than the Hemp House in Noordhoek, built by Hemporium’s Tony Budden and Duncan Parker. Amidst the all-purpose, entirely eco-friendly material is stylish sleek and modern home that is a healthy, re-cyclable alternative to modern building. Is it a view into our future or is the future now?
where is that at?!
I think most people understand the 😉 emoticon means the comment is not serious.
Hi Morris
The clip was filmed in mid-summer and the grass grown was specifically chosen for it’s minimal water needs. winter and spring will be a different picture up here, especially once the plants are better established as they were only planted a few months before.
well, please stop perpetuating the perception that it is, otherwise it will never be taken seriously and remain “silly”.
I should educate myself before making a *serious* comment. But that was just as you said — a silly comment. I know hemp is not psychoactive. 
Hemp is not psychoactive, educate yourself before making silly comments.
Exactly the kind of joke that stops hemp from being taken seriously.
I suggest a different kind of grass grown on the roof.
@TheSouthpaw1993 So why are you making jokes about houses being burned down?  If you are supportive make supportive noises, instead of spouting mindless garbage.
lol don’t judge so quick, it’s a joke, calm your tits. I want hemp legalized.
Our politicians in America, with the exception of a few (Ron Paul, possibly Barney Frank) are still under reefer madness propaganda and protecting prison industrial complex as well as other industries this would threaten. Henry Ford built something like 70% of this cars out of Hemp composite and ran it on hemp oil. Our past is more industrious than our regressive BS going on now.
I know some people who would end up slowly burning this house down if they lived in it 😉
Love it. A renewable resource house. With a little promotion and an little luck, this will become the wave for the near future.
A feeble statement from a feeble idiot.
Please explain how that would be a trip Southpaw?

hahahaha what a trip when your house burns down!
420 cheers from Brasil (=
So true. I love it. I am making an anime movie to help get Hemp back into the spot light. HEMP IS THE FUTURE!! Just embrace it.
Hemp is the future!