I work on senior living place and dont mean to take a resident’s phone and use it to make long distance call i quit before the company knew what i did… well this is the real question… what can the company possibly do to me if they knew what i did?
I work on senior living place and dont mean to take a resident’s phone and use it to make long distance call i quit before the company knew what i did… well this is the real question… what can the company possibly do to me if they knew what i did?
Actually it is theft of service and is a felony in some states.
You can be fined, arrested, jailed, and lose your green card as well as your finger print card needed to work in health care. .I would suggest you tell the resident that you had an emergency call to make and without permission made the calls but would like to reimburse her. You have to be honest with the resident. .
You made some BIG mistakes there.
Charge you with theft and they probably will …remember that will be enough to get you deported
Or you could tell them you owe them for phone calls
could they send you a bill ..cannot be theft if you offer to pay
Quote: "Or you could tell them you owe them for phone calls
could they send you a bill ..cannot be theft if you offer to pay"
Please don’t believe that. It is NOT true. A crime is a crime no matter what you do afterwords. If you rob a bank it’s still robbery even if you return the money.
However, if all you did was to take the phone and made a call and put it back it’s not theft. It could perhaps be considered theft of services but I don’t think it’s very likely at all that you would be charged with a crime because of it. It’s more likely that it would be a civil matter and that the owner of the phone could make you pay for the call. If you don’t pay when they ask you the person could sue you for the money. Having been sued does not affect your immigration status in any way though.
It is possible that the company could report the issue to the police and if that happens the police will investigate to see if a crime has been committed and if there is any evidence. After that they send the case to the prosecutor who will decide if you should be charged with a crime or not. If you are charged you will have to go to court.
I don’t think that you will be charged with a crime even if the company goes to the police. But even if you were charged and convicted I don’t think it would affect your immigration status.
I don’t think you should call the company and admit to it and offer to pay. If it’s been more than a month since you quit chances are good that it won’t be discovered since it hasn’t been discovered until now. But if they do contact you about it I think you should apologize and offer to pay.
If they do find out though I really think you should talk to a lawyer to get some good advice in order to be on the safe side.