I Can’t stand washing clothes in Public … GloZell Green

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25 thoughts on “I Can’t stand washing clothes in Public … GloZell Green”

  1. smileyrileyismyname

    oh, GloZell, I REALLY hope you get your own show. I would watch it EVERY day.

  2. heartbreakintay

    well… its other ways to get her to say somethin back…. like maybe idk MESSAGE HER!!

  3. my washing machine and dryer are broken !!!! i hate the laudry place ugh .. you never know what u got until its gone =(

  4. Alwaysinlove1385

    When I saw that pigeon I automatically thought “OMG LOUIS I FOUND KEVIN!”

  5. when I read the title I pictured Glozell washing her clothes in a public restroom lmfaoooo OMG Glozell for your next video you should go to a random bathroom and wash a shirt hahahaha while someone is there and have a conversation with them

  6. heartbreakintay

    u really dont have to say first just to let people know u were the first commenter…… its kinda geting anoyying

  7. lord, we need to get you a washer and dryer. you too famous to be goin to a laundry mat

  8. DAmmit! I wanted to be first but I was watching Chelsea Handler stand up comedy

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