If there are solar energy panels, is there anything to save water?

I know there are solar energy panels and wind turbines but is there anything for water? Also, how much money would you save a year if you installed a solar panel and wind turbine? No rude comments.

5 thoughts on “If there are solar energy panels, is there anything to save water?”

  1. Yes,you are really a environment protecting person ,hope you can find your replacement . I really think you can send inquiries to those professionalists on ECVV , I think they can help you to solve the question.

  2. there are different ways to use energy of water depending on what kind of water it is, is it a lake, ocean

    like; Dam, ocean thermal energy and wave energy

  3. Water consumption can be reduced greatly by installing water saving shower heads 55% and tap aerators 75%.
    Water tanks can be used in the household and systems exist to use tank water first then mains water.
    Solar panels have fallen in price about 40% in the last year (in Australia).
    Solar panel return on investment relates to your solar radiation available at your location. Over the long term its a good investment. Some areas have feed in tariffs that can earn money for extra power feed into the electricity grid.

  4. to save water .here r some methods
    Water-saving technology for the home includes:
    Low-flow shower heads sometimes called energy-efficient shower heads as they also use less energy,
    Low-flush toilets and composting toilets. These have a dramatic impact in the developed world, as conventional Western toilets use large volumes of water.
    Dual flush toilets created by Caroma includes two buttons or handles to flush different levels of water. Dual flush toilets use up to 67% less water than conventional toilets.
    Saline water (sea water) or rain water can be used for flushing toilets.
    Faucet aerators, which break water flow into fine droplets to maintain "wetting effectiveness" while using less water. An additional benefit is that they reduce splashing while washing hands and dishes.
    Wastewater reuse or recycling systems, allowing: Reuse of graywater for flushing toilets or watering gardens
    Recycling of wastewater through purification at a water treatment plant. See also Wastewater – Reuse

    Rainwater harvesting
    High-efficiency clothes washers
    Weather-based irrigation controllers
    Garden hose nozzles that shut off water when it is not being used, instead of letting a hose run.
    using low flow taps in wash basins
    Automatic faucet is a water conservation faucet that eliminates water waste at the faucet. It automates the use of faucets without the use of hands.
    A valve which reduces water, gas, time, money and CO2 known as a Combisave

    Water can also be conserved by landscaping with native plants and by changing behavior, such as shortening showers and not running the faucet while brushing teeth.

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