Raj Patel/Maitreya dressed in Maitreya’s style clothing on Late Victorian Holocausts

Raj Patel dressed in Maitreya’s style clothing with a water bottle. Always the same comedy, same hands’ movement to hypnose the people…. Raj Patel, aka Maitreya, Satan’s first Lieutenant on earth, will soon play his active role as Maitreya…just wait the beginning of WW3 (for soon) and the fake UFOs mass landing and you’ll see him again. Just as told by Share International’s motto: “In the midst of war, fear and famine, new hope is in the world for us all”, Maitreya, the Great Liar, will emerge in midst of the worst situation in order to deceive the people when they have no other choice.

17 thoughts on “Raj Patel/Maitreya dressed in Maitreya’s style clothing on Late Victorian Holocausts”


    I hate listening to him speak, he is supposed to be a great writer but he studders like a bubbling idiot

  2. TheTruthIsFromGod

    he’s not exactly the Dajjal as mentionned by the prophecies. Raj Patel is the False Prophet of the New Age, the Regent of Satan on earth. The imam mahdi is a false prophet, he’s not mentioned even once in the Quran. The hadiths are the work of the devil, ONLY THE QURAN SAYS THE TRUTH and the Truth is that there is no coming messiah except deceivers. Put your trust in Allah ALONE and obey the Quran instead, you’ll find for sure your salvation.

  3. his hand movements, the waving around of his arms etc make the pattern of a 6 over and over and over.

  4. TheTruthIsFromGod

    It looks like Gog and Magog (who are actually monsters/orcs, watch my plasylist on Gog and Magog, you’ll understand) who will slaughther the unbelievers and the sinners. It can also represent the permanent punsihment of Hell, the people will burn and their body will come back, again and again.

    Concerning 11/11, it’s the “awakening” signal of Maitreya/Raj Patel, Satan’s Principal Lieutenant. It’s actually the exact opposite, this so called awakening will be the worst deceit ever known.

  5. I had a dream i was looking down and there were people in this black smoke being eating by insects to there bone then there flesh would come back and the would start again . Also Farhank new video has 11/11 in title dunno if its bad though .

  6. He dresses weird and I bet that everyone that listens to him don’t really understand what he is talking about.

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