Sampling Greenland: The Dark Snow Project

Project website Over the past decade, the Greenland ice sheet has been getting darker, and less reflective, absorbing more solar energy. This past summer a record breaking melt extended over the entire surface area of the ice sheet. Greenland expert Jason Box has been studying and publishing about this phenomenon, and has become concerned about the possible role of increasing wildfires worldwide, and increased darkening of the ice sheets. The only way to nail the science is to go to the top of the ice sheet and take samples – Dr Box, along with Bill Mckibben, and videographer Peter Sinclair, are kicking off the Dark Snow project to raise funds for for such an expedition, the first crowd-sourced scientific expedition to the arctic. News Release from Byrd Polar Center http Press coverage so far is_earth_f_ked_at_2012_agu_meeting_scientists_consider_advocacy_activism.html

25 thoughts on “Sampling Greenland: The Dark Snow Project”

  1. You and Vinnie, though, have been too chicken shit to reveal your precious identities, whereas Gilman and I have revealed who we are to show that we have nothing to hide.

  2. Heh, heh, heh. Follow the money.

    Get a grant from Al Gorezeera. Ooops I forgot thems big oil.

    Hahahaha. Another hyperbolic fail.

    Why do all the CAGW gurus look like Homer Simpson? Doh!

  3. FYI… I’ve never seen StAv claim to be anything other than a PhD candidate.

    Second, it is astoundingly hypocritical of you or Vinnie, the kings of anonymity, to flaunt that you know StAv’s real name.

    Third, I remember StAv inviting Vinnie to come see his poster session in Charlotte last Nov. I googled it and there is was, Gilman’s name referenced to an abstract for WATER RESOURCE AND CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN BARBADOS RECONSTRUCTED FROM CAVE DEPOSITS.

  4. “Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork”
    Let’s see the text of the article confirms the 0.4 drop in temp. The quote from two of the world’s leading climatologists confirm the significant temp drop. And you remain in DENIAL of that historical reality, b/c you choose rather to believe in the historical revisionists. Yes robbie, your refusal to admit to historical facts demonstrate that you live in a la-la land of unreality. So sad!

  5. “Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork”
    Robbie, did you catch the quote from the founder & 1st director of CRU? “”The decline of prevailing temperatures since about 1945 appears to be the longest-continued downward trend since temperature records began.” says Professor Hubert H Lamb of the University of East Anglia in Great Britian.”
    Yes robbie the graph is CORRECT. You are a poster boy of DENIAL. Get a grip & join the REAL world

  6. “Ahhh… Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork”
    Did you even read the article? The article explicitly states: “The average temperature of the world as a whole has dropped by one-third to one-half a degree Centigrade in the last 30 years” That’s EXACTLY what the graph shows. The graph is CORRECT. Your CAGW zealots have corrupted the data. Just admit it. I’ve shown you evidence! You DENY it, like a good cult follower.

  7. “Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork.”
    So do you believe that he got the 1910-1940 global increase in temp wrong by a factor of 10 too? No, you only think he got the COOLING part wrong! That is INSANE robbie. Your confirmation bias is blinding you to the truth. But that’s situation normal for you. You are a blind ideologue who is a BELIEVER in the CO2 god of the CAGW doomsday cult! A tool, a useful idiot. Very pathetic.

  8. “Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork.”
    Hahahahah. Why am I not surprised from someone who lives in LA-LA land! Hahahaha.

  9. “And ROO… Would you kindly remind us how much of the Earth’s surface the the continental US accounts for?”
    Robbie, that’s TOTALLY a red herring! The FACT is that GISS is revising history & the ’99 paper & current data PROVES it! Your CAGW high priests are crooks & scammers! In any other field that climate science they would be behind bars! Only in climate science is such CORRUPTION allowed, even encouraged. It’s a travesty!

  10. “And you’re calling ME insane?”
    Yes, you ARE insane. You BELIEVE that CO2 is the empirically proven primary cause of the late 20th century warming, but you’ve produced NO p-r science to back up that ridiculous claim! That’s INSANE & idiotic.
    “his/her “artwork” ”
    Come on robbie, he didn’t get it wrong by a factor of TEN TIMES. That’s insane to believe that!

  11. “You think the graph is off by a factor of TEN from the NCAR data?”

    Ahhh… Yes, I would believe it’s far more likely that Terry misinterpreted 0.04 as 0.4 in creating the artwork.

  12. And ROO… Would you kindly remind us how much of the Earth’s surface the the continental US accounts for?

  13. “You can clearly see that there was NOT a drop of 0.4C in 3 decades”
    Robbie, like it or not the CONSENSUS of the world’s leading climate scientists in the 70s said the globe was cooling to an extent that they expected it to return to a Neo-boral climate of the Little Ice Age. tinyurl(dot)com/yds3ynt

  14. ROO… Let’s see. Hm. You’re putting up a graph reproduced in a newspaper from 40 years ago, created by someone named Terry Morse.

    And I’m putting up ALL of the current scientifically accepted datasets for global temperature (they all show essentially the same thing).

    But YOU think Terry somehow nailed with his/her “artwork” 40 years ago.

    And you’re calling ME insane?

  15. “Even just look at a standard GISTEMP chart, ROO. You can clearly see that there was NOT a drop of 0.4C in 3 decades.”
    Robbie, the GISS data has been tampered with so much it is worthless gargabe, a JOKE!
    Are you just trying to be an obtuse IDIOT? Oh yeah, you don’t have to try, it comes naturally.

  16. You think the graph is off by a factor of TEN from the NCAR data? You are insane robbie. Too much CO2 CAGW kool-aid. The data has been subjected to historical revisionism.
    GISS data is just as corrupt.
    Hansen99 ‘GISS analysis of Surf T change’ Plate A2(last page)(1 usa gov/MqZUhC) shows cooling across most of continental US of up to 1°C from 1950-1998.
    Current GISS data shows not cooling, but warming up to 0.5°C. (1 usa gov/SAqNlN)
    Entirely due to ADJUSTMENTS since ’99 after the warming stopped!

  17. AtheistOnTheEdge

    These guys want more funding to do more research to tell us all how badly we’re screwing up the planet. I think it’s pointless because almost every week there’s a new headline about how badly we’re screwing up the planet – people have become desensitized to it. They change the channel and instead want to know who their favorite celebrities are screwing.

  18. Even just look at a standard GISTEMP chart, ROO. You can clearly see that there was NOT a drop of 0.4C in 3 decades. That’s just stupid talk. 1.usa gov/wAEO1s

  19. Your source is a newspaper article, saying “Art by Terry Morse?” And just how confident are you that “Terry Morse’s” art is accurate?

    Come on, ROO. Give me a freaking break. This is bad even by your standards. If I tried to pull a stunt like that you’d be climbing the walls.

  20. “Clearly you’re incapable of answering the question.”
    Uhhh, YOU seem clearly incapable of answering my question about Gilman Reno Ouellette, Jr., aka StAverti! Do you still think he is a PhD climate scientist? Tell us. Inquiring minds want to know. Hahahaha. He’s as big a FAKE as you are.

  21. “Clearly you’re incapable of answering the question.”
    Hahahahaha! Robbie you’re ignorance is STUPIFYING! I haven’t seen such a display of idiocy in a LONG time! Hahahaha.

  22. Robbie, quit displaying such ignorance! The p-value is THE defining number determining statistical significance. I can’t believe you are SO stupid. Well yes I can!
    Even with the faux GISS data the 1940-1970 trend is statistically significant. The REAL temp trend was almost 10 TIMES a great as the bogus ADJUSTED GISS data. Here’s a plot of the contemporary data from NCAR: bit ly/JSbWIq
    Care to tell us how you get a 0.015°C/decade drop when the 5-yr running avg drop of almost 0.4°C in 3 decades?

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