7 drivers of global change rise of solar energy data shift to digital computers solar feed in tariff policy rising science awareness climate crisis peak oil power shifting from centralized energy to decentralized solar energy. The world economy today is hooked into the fall of oil availability and the rise of solar. Those who change horses before the next storm, will win the race. Those who are not quick enough to make the change to solar will fall. America is falling into a Third World status because the People are not providing more leadership. The Burning of oil is the major cause of the weird weather that is now driving human population up against the wall. It is obvious we must do something quick to save our skins. The problem is the 3% of the population who understands the cause of the unexpected changes, needs to stand up and do an education campaign aimed at mobilizing millions to demand a solar feed in tariff, swamping our elected officials with the good news about the value of the solar feed in tariff.