OMG friends…..the sciences headed here by a Rothschild in an Israeli University have devised a sloar panel that can store electricity more efficiently so that it will continue at all times …even in prolonged periods of cloudy days ( Chemtrail educed Geoengineering). The Rothschild family have accquired some weather companies and now control the data flow similiar to the way they control the news, via Reuters and Associated Press..!!! The Rothschilds dominate the banking industry and run the World Bank, a key proponent of the bogus global warming claim. Many hundreds of eminent scientists now debunk global warming. The sun and the Earth go through natural cycles, the Vikings were growing Barley in Greenland up until the 13th century…a lot warmer then!! Interesting to see the elites planning to cash in on Geoengineering, the regulations of which depend on unilateral international agreement, hence the aggressive PR, propaganda campaign and conferences. The UN ( another elites organisation) has spearheaded global warming as a unifying threat and in 1992 at the Rio de Janero Earth Summit Conference, got over 100 hundred heads of state to sign upto UN agenda 21 ( Sustainable Development) all based on global warming which is bogus. UN agenda 21 is an enslavement program designed for the elites to have total, unchallenged rule forever and have the NWO……we can still smash the elites plans and expose and dismantle the obscenely rich elites once and for all. By sharing …
to substitute solar energy for oil from a Rothschild? Now that is poetic
I’ve heard about these guys and their dark energy! LoL! Excuse me!
Wow, good find MrMaxBliss! Excellent post, passing this on.
Good work Max! I point this out to all I know with solar panels…. Nice to have a link to pass on.
We might have a chance of supporting it if Mr Rothschild keeps his name, 🙂