What are the best living conditions for the small green tree frogs?

Hi! I have inhereted a tank with gorgeous green tree frogs. One is a tiny lime green one, the other bigger and fatter. Only the bigger and fatter one seems to croak, and I think it’s when he’s eating crickets. But how big do these guys get, and how big/tall of a tank are best? Do they fare well with other kinds of reptiles also? How many do you recommend keeping together (I have two), and how do you know if they’re male and female — I dont know if since one croaks it means they;re one of each? Thanks so much! Beth
Oh, and if anyone on here knows a lot about these frogs — what is the best diet to keep them healthy. I know they can live a very long time, and that it’s best to dust calcium on the crickets. Do those dead cricket things also add health as a snack, or do anything like worms, even fruits or vegetables help the guys get a full diet? Thanks!
Thanks for your answer! Mine are green treefrogs, without the colored eyes or hands, the scientific name is hyla cinerea. Yikes! They are in a tank, I hope I notice if they do have eggs! The little one isn’t small enough to fit in the bigger one’s mouth, it could be a male, cause they both get lime green and go to darker green, one just looks a little bigger and fatter lol. Thanks for your help! How long can these guys live? Are they OK just the two or if I get a bigger tank later should I add more? I guess I should make sure they’re not making more of their own first lol…

What are the best living conditions for the small green tree frogs? Read More »