Green Living Series: What is Permaculture? Discussion

This is the 40 min. discussion which followed “What is Permaculture?,” a 45-minute video documenting the practical applications of permaculture currently utilized at D Acres Organic Permaculture Farm & Sustainability Center, located in Dorchester, NH. Shot over the course of four seasons, renewable energy, food preservation, animal husbandry, forest gardening, no-till agricuture, compost toilets, root cellars and greenhouses are highlighted. Josh Trought, producer and director at D Acres was on hand for the Q&A following the viewing on Friday, 2/11. Also on Friday, 2/11: The movie was preceded by an official Concord Green Drinks gathering at Red River’s Indie Cafe from 6-7pm. Sponsor: D Acres Panelists (LR): -Facilitator Deb from Bona Fide Green Goods, Concord – Lauren Chase-Rowell, Outdoor Homes – Josh Trought, D Acres – Dorn Cox, New England Famers Union – Steve Whitman, PSU and Low Energy Future Red River Theatres is a non-profit, independent, community supported cinema, which depends upon your support. Become a Member or make a donation at:

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