❤ Free Juicing Recipes * The LIFESAVER Green Vegetable Juice ❤
Raw Food Weight Loss * Vegetable Juice Recipes * Raw Vegetable Diet * Free Juicer Recipes * Vegetable Juicing * Your love & support for the liferegenerator is infinitely appreciated: bit.ly ❤ Visit the LIFE REGENERATOR STORE for Juicers (& soon more)! bit.ly ❤ ❤ The Lifesaver Vegetable Juice ❤ * I ngredients * — 1 bunch Collard Greens — 1 bunch Cilantro — 1 bunch Parsley (flat leaf) — 1 bunch Red Chard — 1 bunch Mustard Greens — 2 Carrots* — 1 Tomato — 1 Cucumber* *unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic * P reparation * — 1) Run all ingredients thru your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. bit.ly — 2) Add ice if desired & enjoy! * I nspiration * — I was talking to someone today about prostate cancer & it inspired me to share with you what I’d personally do if I had cancer. Remember, this is not medical advice! I’m simply letting you know what I would do. — I don’t have a desire to cure anyone of anything, nor attack any diseases. I simply want to share with you my passion for achieving, maintaining & increasing my health…& let you know all the tips, tricks, tools, techniques, lifestyle & dietary choices I’ve personally found to be the most conducive for this…& that I’ve since observed working for others too. It’s up to you what you want to do with this information. You may take it or leave it…as remember, I’m not giving you medical advice. — As many of you know, my good friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker has personally healed himself of Type …
❤ Free Juicing Recipes * The LIFESAVER Green Vegetable Juice ❤ Read More »