Energy independence and climate change are two of the biggest challenges facing the US But perhaps no other nation understands the link between clean energy and security more than Israel. It relies on imported fossil fuel from hostile neighbors to power its economy, despite having a vast and mostly untapped clean energy source — the sun. As part of energyNOW!’s “The Israel Connection” series, chief correspondent Tyler Suiters discovers how emerging solar technology in this sun-drenched land could lead to greater energy security and a cleaner environment. Suiters also explores the link between Israel’s innovative solar technology and the future of clean energy in the US
THORIUM !!!!!!!! 
We the seven billion of Earth want nothing but Peace, Love and Light on Earth always.We want the END of ALL WAR on this planet and the end of the NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE.
Official First Contact and the end of the TRUTH EMBARGO will soon be here
Michael Moore speaks for the compassionate HEART of AMERICA NOW
Love and protect Earth and her precious Air, Water and Soil by all means
Help us ban HYDRO FRACKING Worldwide as this poisons Trillions of gallons of fresh water 4 all generations.