What good is having a green channel on your tv when its going to produce a carbon footprint itself?

Most tvs now carry Planet Green in there cable package, This channel promotes green living. But what about all the green house gases it takes to make its programs….can we say more carbon footprints. Kinda dumb. Just another reason I dont believe in Globel warming.

3 thoughts on “What good is having a green channel on your tv when its going to produce a carbon footprint itself?”

  1. to me its all a bunch of b.s. for some one to get cash nothing more or less some one called me ask if i wood pay more for ele. if it was green eng i told them my bill is to hi now go away leave me a lone

  2. Andrew S Word warrior

    The whole green angle is just a money making gimmick. Al Gore just bought a 9 million dollar mansion right next to the ocean he says is going to rise 20 feet.

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