Look into chemistry. There are many elements on the periodic table that are green! Gemstones are another factor…but again, it is the chemistry of the gemstone that gives them their unique color! Chromium for instance gives the emerald its color! You can have so much fun with this, so explore!
Emeralds and other precious gems/minerals.
Probably some elements that are possibly radioactive or other compounds that glow, like the glow in the dark paint.
A lot of things. plastics, some glass bottles, etc.
Jade, marble, peridot, and my favorite, malachite and other stones. Copper and bronze both get green patinas.
A Green Crayon!
Just kidding!
Look into chemistry. There are many elements on the periodic table that are green! Gemstones are another factor…but again, it is the chemistry of the gemstone that gives them their unique color! Chromium for instance gives the emerald its color! You can have so much fun with this, so explore!
Emeralds and other precious gems/minerals.
Probably some elements that are possibly radioactive or other compounds that glow, like the glow in the dark paint.
A lot of things. plastics, some glass bottles, etc.