what is the greatest problem for green living?

9 thoughts on “what is the greatest problem for green living?”

  1. the greatest problem for green living is smoke,and other human behavior,in other word development is also another main reason causing green living

  2. I think the greatest problem is people deciding not to believe that global warming exists because they don’t live in areas where problems are occurring because of it.

  3. What we’re all participating in right now. All the energy involved with using the internet around the world is the largest carbon "footprint" there is. All the electric power being generated for running the computers, monitors, modems, routers and servers around the world daily is incomprehensible! Then you add in all the batteries that are disposed of from laptops on a yearly basis, and that would be tons of batteries!

  4. Believing the scam, while Al Gore’s Pool and Pool-house use more electricity per month than you spend for electricity for a modest home in a year.

  5. 1) The deliberate designing of products to be disposable, poor quality and have a short life and the lack of easy and reasonably priced repair facilities when things do go wrong.

    2) That many products (like mains powered alarm clocks) need a battery for mains back-up, when they could have a rechargeable one (charged from the mains supply) or a capacitor built in.

    3) Products sold with battery packs, (replacements sold at an extortionate rate or not designed to be user-replaceable), when they could use standard rechargeables at lower cost.

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