Where can I locate information about all types of solar energy for my home.
3 thoughts on “Where can I can I obtain information about all inexpensive efficient solar energy for my home?”
I would check out AltE http://www.altestore.com where they sell many DIY solar systems that any home owner can start out with affordably. I would look at Solar Attic Fans (http://store.altestore.com/Lighting-Fans/Solar-Attic-Fan/c431/), which are solar powered fans that run during the daytime to expel hot air out of your home to help with cooling load costs. And if you have between $2000 to $4000 you can see Solar Water Heating systems (http://store.altestore.com/Solar-Water-Heaters/c402/) that can provide of bulk of your home’s hot water. Or you could do some PV/Battery Outdoor lighting projects. There is a bunch of ways to incorporate solar into your property without breaking the bank.
There are two basic kinds – solar water heating, and solar electricity.
For either, you can look up a solar installer in your phone book, and they’ll probably have a web page explaining how it works. I have never seen an installer that wouldn’t come by for a free, no-obligation quote. I say look in the phone book because if you do a web search, a lot of scam websites selling misleading do-it-yourself information will pop up.
A solar water heater will run $3-6k, then you get some rebate, depending on where you live. Solar electric that is financially viable generally starts at about $8000, and can go way up from there. Again, you get tax credits or incentives depending on where you live. The installer can explain how the finances work, and what your bottom line price would be.
For about $200 – $250, you can get yourself set up with a solar panel system or a wind power system, if you’re willing to learn how to do it yourself. This is the method that will save you the most money in the long run, as it will eliminate your power bills. You can get the installation guide to do this here: http://www.solar-powered-home.com/solarpowerhomereviews.php
I would check out AltE http://www.altestore.com where they sell many DIY solar systems that any home owner can start out with affordably. I would look at Solar Attic Fans (http://store.altestore.com/Lighting-Fans/Solar-Attic-Fan/c431/), which are solar powered fans that run during the daytime to expel hot air out of your home to help with cooling load costs. And if you have between $2000 to $4000 you can see Solar Water Heating systems (http://store.altestore.com/Solar-Water-Heaters/c402/) that can provide of bulk of your home’s hot water. Or you could do some PV/Battery Outdoor lighting projects. There is a bunch of ways to incorporate solar into your property without breaking the bank.
There are two basic kinds – solar water heating, and solar electricity.
For either, you can look up a solar installer in your phone book, and they’ll probably have a web page explaining how it works. I have never seen an installer that wouldn’t come by for a free, no-obligation quote. I say look in the phone book because if you do a web search, a lot of scam websites selling misleading do-it-yourself information will pop up.
A solar water heater will run $3-6k, then you get some rebate, depending on where you live. Solar electric that is financially viable generally starts at about $8000, and can go way up from there. Again, you get tax credits or incentives depending on where you live. The installer can explain how the finances work, and what your bottom line price would be.
For about $200 – $250, you can get yourself set up with a solar panel system or a wind power system, if you’re willing to learn how to do it yourself. This is the method that will save you the most money in the long run, as it will eliminate your power bills. You can get the installation guide to do this here: http://www.solar-powered-home.com/solarpowerhomereviews.php