Where can I find a good solar energy broker that knows several solar dealers in Texas. I need expert advice.?

I am buying a solar system for my house but want to buy the best solar energy equipment for the price. I also want to hire a company that uses state of the art technology and knows what they are doing. I also don’t want to pay double what it may cost. This is why I need an expert.

1 thought on “Where can I find a good solar energy broker that knows several solar dealers in Texas. I need expert advice.?”

  1. Sorry, I don’t know your area, and wouldn’t qualify as an expert. I can comment on the area I live in, though. The quality of the work I’ve seen from multiple installers has been uniformly high. I haven’t seen a bad one, yet. I have seen some that are overkill, using higher quality or rating parts than necessary. The only difference seems to be price. The lowest price I’ve seen is $20k for a 4 kW system, BEFORE all rebates and incentives. $25-30k is more typical.

    Quotes are usually free, so what you can do is invite everyone you can find to come over to your house and bid. Also, see if they have any references locally – a system they installed that you can go look at. Then go, and ask the homeowner whether that company had any problems. If you end up with bids for all different sizes and kinds of systems, then choose what you want, and ask everyone to bid again, to what you specify.

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