Why Aren't Those Green Living Liberals Building Mud Hut Communities Yet?

I’m not talking about your run of the mill Liberal. I’m talking about those no fuel burning, no coal burning. I’ll pass on eating meat tree hugging kind of Liberal.
Don’t start with hammer and nails and lumber. We have to burn fuel just to get it to you.

12 thoughts on “Why Aren't Those Green Living Liberals Building Mud Hut Communities Yet?”

  1. Still trying to find a spot where the Nuclear radiation will not wipe us out after the next major Earthquake in the USA…no luck yet. But we will keep looking because a Nuclear irradiated USA looms on the horizon.

  2. Newborn Unicorn

    I consider myself a treehugger, but even though I prefer to use electricity and similar services, I do my best to conserve and be ”green.”

    Those people you refer to are out there most of the time, doing what you describe. They’re called the Rainbow Family/Warriors. The ones I know still use phones and computers, since they do have family and friends and need some way to globally teach the world about who they are and what they do. Other than that they don’t really connect with our conveniences, they call it Babylon, and they hate money.

  3. Apparently the only point to this question was for you to try to sound clever, and superior to at least some other people.
    This makes you sound even more pathetic then the hippies you are talking about.

  4. I’d like to know why the average global warming liberal still eats meat and or drives an SUV. The hypocrisy has never been greater.

  5. I think that is about .25% of the population or even less. And I guess you haven’t kept up on green technologies lately–pretty advanced.

  6. Are you talking about the end of the planet from the 70’s ice age prediction LIBERAL
    …followed by the ozone destruction hurry and inject MTBE’s into auto fuel only to take it out 2 years later because the run off killed the fish LIBERAL
    …followed by the 2000 date change world’s computer grid networks will crash LIBERAL
    … followed by cell phones cause brain cancer LIBERAL
    …followed by global warming will kill all life on the planet ignoring 10,000 year natural occurring cycles LIBERAL
    …..followed by using paper grocery bags because plastic doesn’t break down at land fills LIBERAL
    …. followed by going back to plastic to save the trees followed by screw it, use you own cloth bag and don’t use either LIBERAL
    …..followed by the Chevy Volt push who’s battery system fails in sub freezing temps…..
    —— >>> You mean that type liberal???

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