Why do cons refuse to adopt Al Gore's standards of clean & green living?

14 thoughts on “Why do cons refuse to adopt Al Gore's standards of clean & green living?”

  1. Most of us can’t afford to live by Al Gore’s standards. Owning houses that use more electricity than a small city, and jetting off in search of Manbearpig in a private jet that consumes more fuel in one trip than most of us do in a year of driving is beyond our means.

  2. Right or Wrong

    One of you said he bought a home on the beach. Where?

    Nothing in your link or the net.

    Prove me wrong.

    It’s a bich having to back up what you say, makes lying difficult don’t it?

    Same goes to you confetti soldier, everything Obama has done he’s screwed up?

    Buy a newspaper.

  3. Confederate Soldier

    Because he cares only about profit and his "green" living involves shunning Sustainability in favor of CO2 emission reduction (where his profit margin comes in). I’ve watched his docudrama a dozen times and absolutely nothing is presented as proof that CO2 causes temperature increases.

    And now my standard rant:
    Climate change has always been happening, that is true. We were warming for the past decades due to sunspot activity, as claimed by reputable historian Webster Tarpley and genious trends forcaster Doug Casey (I subscribe to Casey’s Daily Dispatch).
    http://www.spaceweather.com/java/sunspot.html [view the sunspot plotter and you’ll find that we are in a solar minimum now]
    http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=114261 [*feignshock* the SUN heats the earth!]

    The IPCC is a FRAUD. NASA, for it’s fudging the figures, can join it in shame. The Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change has openly admitted this by declaring first that the Himalayan Glaciers will melt by 2045, then declaring that prediction to have been knowingly pulled out of its ass, and now we’re in a 30 year cooling period? (Tarpley got this spot on)
    http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=281264 [IPCC, cooling period]
    http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=278948 [NASA]
    http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6994774.ece [IPCC, Himalayan Glaciers]
    http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=279258 [CLIMATEGATE, East Anglia researchers admit in private they fudge figures to falsify warming trend]

    FURTHERMORE, the false predictions of extinct polar bears, vanished ice caps, 20 ft sea level spikes, and vanished glaciers (spelling death for billions in the drainage basins of Asia) were, by any definition of the word, acts of terrorism and extortion. Trying to scare people to death enough to take control of their resources and tax them to death does in fact qualify, especially with unfounded nonsense like this AGW.

    Al Gore, one of the leading proponents of AGW, shows no evidence whatsoever of CO2 emissions causing warming. His docudrama shows Climate Change. Again, Climate Change is not new. It’s plausible to think our Carbon "pollution" is causing climate change and we can stop it by changing our ways, but it’s simply not substantiated. This is one of the reasons why Gore and others push for Carbon taxes and emissions trading, but SUPPRESS sustainability!?! Sustainability is adapting our lives to use energy more wisely, which AGW goons argue will actually increase energy consumption (they fail to provide proof to back their lack of common sense) and therefore should be shunned for Carbon taxes and trading schemes. Why?

    Because it’s BIG MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to shun one green for another:
    http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article.aspx?id=475461 [Al Gore’s cash cow]
    http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/147520 [emissions trading fails, but money is still to be made]

    The science is not sound NOR IS IT SETTLED. The "consensus" advertised by Gore in his docudrama was as accurate as his idea.
    http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=279269 [31,000 petition (9,000PhD) to refute "consensus"]

    Obama endorses Cap and Trade. That is a big sign that it is a fraud, as everything Obama has done has been a fraud.

    I used to be a believer until I found it was a cult, not science. I recycle, use energy saving light bulbs, and whatever else I can, but I also spread the truth, a far more potent course to take. It’s a hard road, but for a man of honor it is the only road.

    We do not inherit this world from our fallen ancestors, we borrow it from our unborn children.

  4. Gore’s standard, as in, spewing a city’s worth of pollutants and paying it off with money he got from scamming the world?

  5. Most of us actually do a lot better job than he does without even making any effort.

  6. §§pecial Unicorn™

    I didn’t know living in a mansion where his energy usage equaled that of a city, his constant Yeti carbon footoprint jetsetting, and continuing to eat burgers was a standard of his green living. You mean what he says we should do while doing the opposite, right?
    *holt–dontchya mean dolt?

  7. We are destroying the planet and the cons want to drill baby drill.

    How to destroy the earth slowly and methodically vote back in the cons.

    If you want to try to slowly down its destruction..vote Obama

    Two terms President Obama

  8. Hang up and Drive

    Yes we should all have heated sidewalks at our house and burn jet fuel to save the earth. We need to burn up as much fuel as possible to try and be like Al Gore. Save the planet by owning multiple homes for personal use.

  9. Not having an Obasm

    I will when he will.

    And don’t give me any clap about "carbon offsets". The carbon expended is still expended and the "offsets" are merely a way for rich, liberal hypocrites like Gore to fool the ignorant masses (that’s you and your liberal brethren) that he is doing something about the environment.

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