Next-Gen Solar Panels: More Power from the Sun

Though the use of solar panels is on the rise, it still only represents 1.5 percent of total energy consumption in Europe. There are many reasons for this, s…

5 thoughts on “Next-Gen Solar Panels: More Power from the Sun”

  1. its a good thing to know all this development for solar panels.. since we
    really need to get all the power we need before its too late.. great job!

  2. Actually you’re wrong! Photovoltaics contribute 4% of total energy
    consumption in the EU as of 2014. This doubles every two years or less.
    Meaning 8% by 2016 and 32% by 2020. Germany is leading the way, and
    already have 6% solar, scheduled to have 12% by 2016 and around 50% by

  3. Homemade Solar Panel

    Good solar panel technology which more effective and more efficient.

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