Passive Solar Home – A Perfect Use Of Solar Energy We have been livng in a passive solar home for over 20 years. See how we are using solar energy to heat our home.

19 thoughts on “Passive Solar Home – A Perfect Use Of Solar Energy”

  1. Salah satu sumber alternative dalam mengatasi masalah bekalan elektrik.
    Mudah dipasang dan digunakan ..sila lihat video ini

  2. It costs no more than any other home to build since there is no special
    features added to it. The only difference is that the design uses more
    South facing windows. I am not a contractor but built the home myself in
    1988 at a cost of less than $30k. I did most everything myself. I usually
    cut 2 to 3 cords of wood for the wood stove for the cloudy and really cold
    days. If purchased here, 3 split cords cost $480. I figure I have saved
    about 20k in heating costs over the last 24 years.

  3. @locococoa96 I am pleased that this video was a help to your science
    project. Thanks for taking the time to say thanks.

  4. thank you so much! this helped my group build our solar house for our
    eighth grade science project! (:

  5. great video it gave me a relife example of a passive solar home and how it
    works im looking forward to biulding my home in the next 2-3 years and
    gathering all the information i can to make it as ifficant as i can the
    cheap guy

  6. Nice video and it gave me some ideas for passive solar. I uploaded a video
    of my Grid-Tied rooftop wind turbine project, go have a look if you are
    interested in home wind energy. My install of rooftop wind turbines and
    solar panels at my house is in my videos, Subscribe to my channel if you
    like, I’ll be posting more stuff. Thanks

  7. You are more than welcome to use any parts of the video for your project as
    long as you include acknowledgement of the source.

  8. is it possible that i can use a clip from the times 1:10 to 1:55 for use in
    a project my group is making on passive solar heating? it it gives an
    excellent example of how a house can be built to maximize solar heat in the
    nothern hemishere

  9. Builders will never be able to beat the cost of do it yourself home
    construction with natural materials ($10-$20 a square foot).

  10. We just had 12 inches of snow over night and it is supposed to get down to
    -8F in a couple of days. This is the part of California without the palm
    trees. We are getting the same artic blast. I think you have the right idea
    about keeping warm during these kind of temps.

  11. haha, as im sitting here dec13 2008, its -10F with a 30mph wind, its dark
    at 1630hrs and lite at 0800. and calling or -20 tonite. i think just I’ll
    ‘passive’ right next to the wife. cheers varmitr

  12. I have seen -25F here. In the extreme cold a fireplace helps. The passive
    design works really well when conditions are moderate.

  13. im designing one as well only 1000 square ft, but here in alberta, canada,
    the temps are -40F to +80F. passive solar would have a real workout…
    cheers, btw, well done vid

  14. Brian-Todd Streeper

    Hopefully we can see builders actually producing these kind of homes
    instead of McMansions…that is, if any are still in business…

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