Are we at least doing better when it comes to living green and helping to stop global warming?

8 thoughts on “Are we at least doing better when it comes to living green and helping to stop global warming?”

  1. People are doing better all the time. The problem is immense, and so many people are blind to it. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t improving. So many of us are ‘going green’ in our daily lives. They might be small steps, but all taken together they can make a huge impact.

  2. xPanicatthediscoislifex

    No. Ethanol is made of corn. Corn is food. By using ethanol, we have collectively killed off as many people as the Iraqi war did, by starving them to death. So save the Earth. Walk or ride a bike. Get off your butt.

  3. No. You’re deluding yourself into thinking you’re doing better.

    Do you really think that you can overwhelm the sun?

  4. Stop global warming NOW… Turn off mom and dad’s AC this summer. Just say NO to AC. You don’t need it. Sweating clears out the pores and the poors. You want green living… after a week of no AC in Houston, check out your shorts… There’s your green living..

    No worry… when yo sweat like a pig.
    ’cause your green contribution will be really big.

    If mom and dad are really mad..
    Tell um "I did it cause global warming is bad!"

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