Blender Showdown – OmniBlend V vs. Ninja Professional: Green Living Garden Soup

Here is a basic recipe for making green soup in a blender. Take the following ingredients: – Your favorite garden veggies (greens, roots, squashes, tomatoes, etc.) – The juice of half a large lemon or lime, or an entire small one – Half of an avocado (or soaked nuts/seeds, or your favorite oil, to make it creamy) – Sea Salt to taste – Herbs and Spices to taste (cayenne, garlic, turmeric, dill, oregano, etc.) – Just enough water for it to blend and still remain thick. Put all of the above ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth and creamy. This is the part where a high powered blender comes in handy. Serve in a bowl and garnish with your favorite toppings such as fresh parsley, pumpkin seeds, dried black olives, diced bits of the other half of the avocado that you used earlier, raw cracker bits (aka, cru-tons), etc. Get creative. For more information on the OmniBlend V 3HP blender used in the video, follow this link: For more delicious raw gourmet food items similar to the cru-tons we topped the soups with, follow this link: To purchase your very own OmniBlend V 3HP blender, use this link

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