Located in remote southwestern Costa Rica, the Osa Peninsula harbors the largest remaining lowland forest on the Pacific Coast of Central America. The Osa Peninsula and Southern Costa Rica is home to the most significant populations of jaguars, puma, tapirs and scarlet macaws. Biological and cultural diversity characterize this unique bi-national mountain and coastal region – home to ocelots, howler monkeys, and sloths. The Park is the last stand of wet seasonal tall rainforest in Pacific Central America. along the biological corridor of the Osa Peninsula and Piedras Blanca National Parks in Southern Costa Rica. Many conservation minded organizations in the Osa Peninsula region in Costa Rica are facing the challenges of building infrastructure in and near the rainforest, where all the flora and fauna can be discovered near Corcovado National Park, here in Southern Costa Rica South Pacific near Panama, central America, Costa Rica Architect. Always build green eco friendly homes using sustainble materials, lumber and concrete. A great set of green house plans and designs. Live in breezy open air jungle homes and house designs starting at 0. Green home plans, Eco Architect – Michael H. Cranford / 508-714-0622 / Osa Peninsula / Costa Rica www.michaelincostarica.com Costa Rica, architects, architect, builders, construction, free house plans, floor plan, and design, Southern, Costa Rican. South Pacific, Panama, central America, build green, eco friendly homes, contractors …