This is a good option for anyone wanting to experiment with DIY solar panels but do not want to use hot solder. This works good if you have a good clean connection and you are willing to sacrifice about 5% of the solar cells over all watt output. You can actually make smaller panels this way increasing the wattage per square meter and saving on glass dimensions. This option works perfectly for joining together broken cells and making artistic designs with solar scraps that really produce power. This option is also perfect for solar model builders as this makes the panel one semi-rigid piece.
Can not wait for next video. Also how reliable is this glue what is the longevity of it and becides from video what has been pros and cons of the glue and how well does it work under the topical encapsolation.
Waiting on your method of encapsulating.
Fantastic way of making use of broken cells. I’d been thinking about that for a while. Great job!
Nicely done, Dan. Thanks.
awesome! You explain this so well and make it look so easy. Thank you! I hope one day to get funding so I can have you and others come and give workshops on this kind of thing.
There is a reason cells are designed the way they are, yet this method can also create a lager 0.5 volt “cell” if you want to do that. There is a point where the current may become excessive and a printed connection will fail. One reason for tab wire is it carries the current off the cell rather than the cell conductive “print wire”. Good for experimentation, but not for a large panel. I’d like to see the results on a 40 watt or larger panel… Just say’n
Thanks for sharing you guys’s wisdom’s.
Hey I was wondering if you think the chinese brands that are flooding the market are still high quality?
dpla5762, use aluminium frame and 3/16″ tempered glass. Plexiglass warps afterits been in the sun for a few days
I just put together my first 36 solar cells and am looking for a good way to incase them. I hope your video comes out quickly because there are so many conflicting ways to do it and I am not sure what is best. Not having to use a resin or inert gas sounds best to me. Can’t wait. Thanks!
I made this myself !!! 😀
i can tell…
Great Video, Good information
you know what if you had a piece of glass that was a little short this would be a way you might could make your cells fit. this really compacts it. also some times I have broken cells that dont have a goo place left to solder. this stuff looks handy Im gonna buy some.
fresnel lens your solar cells
whered you get the panels?
I figure once you get confident with these broken solar panels, and if you had multiple types with multiple colour shades you could start getting artistic with them creating mosaics in the Roman style. 🙂
gluen chipped cells into panels is a good idea.
Several videos ago I commented that I had a dream to have a house in an urban area completely off the grid. It seems that solar power technology has improved and become a lot cheaper since then. With your own experience, do you have any speculation that this dream of mine will become real in the near future?
I wouldn’t do that myself. You are inviting condensation. What you really want to do is build a vacuum table, the best you can, and then use laminates EVA, TPA, create a zero air lamination. I respect your desire to want to get away from soldering, but what you need to do, Dan, is use a flux pen when you solder solar cells. That way you can cheat, melt the solder onto the cell. In the same way that you solder SMD chips. Thats how the big boys do it. MSG me for links for building the table.
lol ha ha ha dan sed shit at 3:00
Great stuff that Anders Wire Glue, I found it added to much to the resistance and went back to simple solder, I was using little garden light solar cells though and used it instead of a wire tab and the length may have been too much
Found it, bought it. Cool. Thank you. (Tom)
Where can I buy this stuff?
I want some of that sutff. Thanks for the info.