150+ Fox News Bias videos at www.youtube.com Fox News reporter Laura Ingle’s story about a New Jersey power company’s installation of 200000 solar panels on utility polls heavily concentrated on the views of critics, even talking to local critics while ignoring twice as many local residents gathered who supported solar panels, to falsely frame the issue as the people vs the power company and state mandates, as I show in this video. The clips I show of Laura Ingle, the residents of Dumont, NJ, and Paul Rosengren of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) come from a longer segment of Fox News’ June 8, 2011, broadcast of “Happening Now” which is available online at bit.ly The image I use of my previous video titled “Fox News Hates Trains?” comes from the YouTube video player page at www.youtube.com The image I use of the PSE&G’s FAQs on solar panels comes from bit.ly
Fox News always frames issues and cherry picks their interviews, why else are all their experts Fox affiliated, or people who work on other news shows on the exact same station? I mean MXNBC at least pulls in people from independent liberal or centralist organizations to talk to them.
When your in bed with the devil like FAUX what do you expect.If they were oil powered producing smog they would LOVE them because then the oil companies would be making a profit but with free electric from the sun they cant make a profit,cant charge for the suns rays,thats the reason FAUX hates solar,no way to charge for the suns rays.Bridgewater State University has solar powered parking lot lights that work great.Power companies can’t charge for sunlight no capitalistic screwing to be had.
@Draco1dormiens Yeah, what’s his problem? If a network calls itself news, then lies, spins/misrepresents the truth or whatever, what’s wrong with that? It’s not like anyone would act on that misinformation.
This is retarded why do you complain about someones opinion. CNN, MSNBC,and whatever communist news station out there. They all have their own opinion, who cares.
Solar isn’t bad but the government shouldn’t support it. Leave solar alone without gov getting involved. Look at Solyndra.
How could people buy this crap? even without analysis of the liberal viewer it is painfully obvious that fox is a biased media organization and that above all a political bias which is the worst bias
I dont even live in america and this is bloody painfull to watch how they brainwash you people down there
FOX news aka LIE TO ME NEWS.
I want solar panals in my town.
An eye sore? Yeah I prefer smog. Those telephone poles were great looking before too.
@ShroomFuu86 You sound like a fart that just came out of an asshole.
lol i love how the one person she interviewed in the park who didnt like the solar panels was a vapid retarded cunt who had probably never thought about anything other than what designer bag she should buy next. Way to raise the bar fox.
heres my take, fox news is the public pr face of the military industrial complex (who currently control the republican party). their interests are in energy, predominantly natural gas and oil. it would be in their interest to attack ANY renewable resource to dissuade some from moving into a “renewable” shift. its the same thing as the democratic party being controlled by banking cartels. whats important is to understand the elite who control them, are one in the same. division is their tool.
@TheMarksmenCat Okay, a couple of things.
The liberal media sources may be biased, but they will at least admit it. Fox, on the other hand, claims to be “Fair and Balanced.” They are not willing to admit their bias, hence the videos. Also, your insults are openly detrimental, calling a group a pussy and then calling them fags. Also, what’s wrong with being gay or retarded, or having a vagina? I don’t see any eloquence in your insults or your criticism. If you wish to argue, check the facts.
Um.. yes and yes.
Fox news is biased, and so is MSNBC, CNN, NYT etc.
quit crying and open your eyes you pussy liberal fagtards
@unbelivableLP It will. The young people see the bias, use the internet to get information, and therefore less easily get trapped in this Right-Wing propaganda.
@golfist01 It must really suck being so angry and unfulfilled all the time. My condolences.
We’ve got this group of residents we’d like to interview here…Cut to people in my parent’s generation that go on and on about how the president is secretly helping ‘the blacks’ because he’s a secret foreign infiltrator.
Real good Fox, real good.
I grew up listening to guys like Tom Brokaw give the news…what in the hell happened in 20 years?
Fuck is wrong with Fox? I hope I get to live long enough to see that piece of shit news station crash straight to the fucking ground.
F U Fox!
@TwoNerdyMarines No no no. Its about the future. If we the people (who hopefully want to exist in the future) cant pay a little bit more to switch out un-sustainable energy sources with re-newable and sustainable ones, then there is something wrong with us. Solar power works, wind power works, water power, etc. The reason they need government help is for once, it costs indredibly much to start them. And secondly, the fucking market goes against it because its not as cheap as the bad sollutions.
Well I agree that it’s stupid to argue that they’re bad because of looks. I’d be arguing more that they cost more than they’re worth. Look, if these “green” energy solutions worked so well, they wouldn’t need government subsidies. I’m all about replacing big oil. I have no investment in it. But we need something real that actually works, and until then, we need oil. I don’t think anyone would argue that it’s going to take a long long time to replace oil completely, and until then, drill drill!
doesn’t FOX news always cherry-pic ?
it’s entertaining, eye-opening, but above all else, DEPRESSING how much this guy proves that people are idiots….. -__-
Good video, and I’d say renewable energy is more than just an environmental concern. Oil dependency is the main reason for the wars US is bringing on the Middle East, and it is one of the main causes of the crisis of the rich countries (the US trade deficit is mainly because of oil).