Fox News’ War On Solar Energy

In the wake of Solyndra’s bankruptcy, Fox News went on the attack against solar energy, exaggerating its cost and downplaying its potential in an effort to paint investments in solar as a waste of money. But despite Fox’s myopic focus on one company’s demise, the US solar industry is booming, as a comprehensive new Media Matters fact sheet on solar energy shows: For more, please visit:

24 thoughts on “Fox News’ War On Solar Energy”

  1. A women right up the street from me no longer pays an electric bill. She collects money from the electric company every month thanks to the solar array on her roof.

  2. yeah but sahara has the most solar days of the planet so you can’t really compare it. The sahara provides about 300 days of sun.

    And you do know that they are already building solar panels in north africa through Desertec initiative. And no they don’t cover teh whole of africa

  3. 90665 square kilometers, is just 1,6% of the sahara being covered. since that is 5632704 square kilometers. That is very efficient it can power the whole of the EU. you have no clue product development, do you? If solar power is deemed: “Worthless” who provides funding for its research to develop better solar panels?

  4. And take into consideration that the most powerful solar power station (Agua Caliente solar project) covers an area of 9,7 square kilometers. That means 9335 of them if you are to cover 0.3% of Africa.

  5. How is that BS? And how is the closing of nuclear power plants relevant? They did that because of political pressure from “environmentalists” and now fossil fuels are taking up the slack. 0.3% of Africa (and I’m not sure what your source is?) is an absolutely enormous surface area to cover, about 90665 square kilometers. Nobody is investing because it is impractical compared to other energy sources. When solar power becomes worthwhile it will be invested in no subsidies required.

  6. Here’s a crazy idea. What if we actually used some of that astronomical amount of energy that the Sun bombards the Earth with every day? It’s crazy, I know, so let’s just let it go to waste instead.

  7. that is BS, since germany is even closing down nuclear power plants. Not to mention that you only need to cover 0,3% of africa to fully sustain EU power consumption. Also if no one is investing in solar power, then it won’t become cheaper or better.

  8. Every school in my town has a field of solar panels next to them, every telephone pole in my town has a solar panel on them, power companies are paying people for the solar power that is being generated from their roofs…..yeah, solar power doesnt work. I’m so glad I watched this…now I know.

  9. Probably because of massive subsidies. It can be done (just place a shitload of panels), but it just isn’t cost effective at the moment. I am sure solar power will be much cheaper and more practical in a handful of decades but at the moment it still doesn’t seem practical.

  10. So how come the EU is building a large solar power plant in the sahara? It will provide 15% of all the EU energy consumption. Even germany is going to have 25% of its power from solar energy by 2050 and that is a small country who has cloudy weather year round

  11. Everything those reactionary goons are at is worth investigating. They all the time seem to be against whats good for the all of us and in favor whats good only fore their greedy lil pocketbooks and businessess only so they fight it tooth and nail.

  12. I’ve learned that every time the main stream media turns up the spews and lies there’s something goin on. We could today actually have more than enuf electricity only from solar power, we don’t need oil and nuclear shite anymore. But.. we can’t have ppl making their own electricity, there’s no profit in that.

  13. if there are still problem then just google “Multi-Junction Solar Cell to Break Efficiency Barrier?” 🙂

  14. figured out the problem. When you copy paste then just before 616.htm there is a ‘-‘. delete that one in addition to replacing (dot).

  15. It goes back further than that. That fish that grew lungs and feet, probably to get away from minds like these 🙂

  16. that link doesn’t work. as in I typed in the domain name and copy pasted that stuff after the first forward slash

  17. Well, I guess these guys would also say that going to the moon is flat out impossible, so let’s not try!
    This computer thing everybody is talking about… It’s just for kids!
    Television? It’s just a fad!
    This new telephone thing… Hogwash!
    Wright brothers? It’ll never get off the ground!
    Printing press? Who the hell would ever want to read?
    Why the hell would I want a wheel? I’ve got legs!

  18. Solar power as it stands really isn’t fit for wide scale deployment, but that isn’t the entire story.

    Not every region is ideal for solar power, but in the US the southwest would make a great spot. It is right between the two most populous states and gets a lot of sun.
    Oil and coal power benefit enormously from government subsidies and the externalization of their costs. They appear cheaper, but not after you factor in the health and pollution costs of it.

  19. Mass power storage may become A Thing in the near future if graphene supercapacitors live up to the hype. But as it stands pretty much any power source is going to be cheaper than coal once you factor in health and pollution costs. Even advanced nuclear plants like you are talking about.

  20. We’re ALL from the bloodline of people who used to say the earth was flat. What’s your point?

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