Fruit and Vegetable Juice Tie Dye (The art of making dyes with natural substances)

A video showing the making of tie dye using four natural ingredients; Grape Juice + Mustard Seed Powder + Blueberry Juice + Beet Juice. The dyes smelled awesome, the juices were easy to prepare. The idea is excellent, but the colour in the end was not as bright or vivid as propper clothing dyes. It is still a very fun craft idea – perhaps try making flags instead, and leaving the dye to dry on the material still tied up – then never rinse the material, just hang it for enjoyment (this might improve the brightness). **~ It is imposible to truly show tie-dye in a few minutes… you may want to pause the video here and there to read the words as they flash by.~** -The music is from an old casset tape, a bit rough from age, but still a great song.-

25 thoughts on “Fruit and Vegetable Juice Tie Dye (The art of making dyes with natural substances)”

  1. What is that wonderful song, brah? P.S. Could I substitute the blood of Christ for beets?

  2. @FreakyHippieMe
    Yes, no matter how careful you are… it is not the same as a good dye.
    But it is still fun and cool…

  3. @SRR023
    I suppose if you did not rinse it out…
    But once you rinse and wash, all is good.

    This is more of a fun activity than totally practical – but it smells great!

  4. @msbutterfly1610
    Yes, but nothing compares to the nice bright color of propper dyes. Truly this is fun and interesting though – and smells cool.

  5. that is really cool!!!im going to try this thing omg!ive been looking at some tie dye stuff too$ i have the money but this is cheeper!

  6. @puckjuh1993
    You could try heating the material (in plastic of some kind) over a pot of boiling or steaming water.
    Let is sit above the boil, in the steam… heating up hot in the bag.
    Or maybe solar heat power of some type…

  7. I really want to try this, because with normal tie-dye paints the colours are very bright though this time I need something that’s more like pastels.
    There’s just one little problem: I don’t have a microwave! And I’m afraid that with an oven it may go wrong. Is there another way?

  8. adding vinegar or citric acid, and some sltl to the soak the cleaned shirt in will allow the dyes to ‘stick’ to the cloth and give better colour….its called mordanting

  9. @blarg077
    Hang dry usually.
    Not the dryer.
    You could lay them flat on newspaper and flip them after a while…

  10. Hey WolfEchoes always love the great music and your results, I boiled down yellow onion skins awhile back I was surprised at what a beautiful golden yellow came out and it lasted threw several wash and wears

  11. I just took a natural dying class. Fruit juices are considered “fugitive” dyes and will always face. So basically you are staining the shirt.

  12. @wazii6
    That might work…
    Not sure with this stuff – once the stain is set it might be as deep as it gets.
    I suggest you give it a try!

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