Germany’s Renewable Solar and Wind Energy Boom

Germany has made various strides with their solar and wind energy programs as they are close to achieving 100 percent renewable energy through wind with a go…

16 thoughts on “Germany’s Renewable Solar and Wind Energy Boom”

  1. From what I understand the people get taxed but they also get free
    electricity if they live next to one of the wind turbines. Germany’s wind
    turbines, Chinas solar, Brazil’s ethanol, Iceland’s geothermal are all
    standards for sustainable energy.

  2. Richard Noel Hedditch

    Returning renewable energy back to the grid. People do that in isolated,
    individual instances throughout all First World Countries, but not on a
    national scale anywhere. The infrastructure is top heavy expensive. That is
    why the German government is reverting to taxing the public. Private
    capital won’t come in on it until the public have paid for the total
    infrastructure. Once it becomes profitable the government shall privatise
    it – ie, sell it off to private consortiums to reap the profits of it, and
    thus it will be environmentally whooppee, but shall cost consumers an arm
    and a leg, as both employees and CEOs want more and more and more of the

  3. Just because the American fossil fuel cartel (including their shills in
    congress and state legislators) has made it terribly frustrating for us to
    get on the road to alternative/renewable energy independence for the U.S.,
    doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Maybe there is some very important
    information for us here in the back story, like how did they get this
    effort off the ground? Was it started at a very local level and then
    gathered enough momentum to over run the entrenched special interests to
    get subsidized nationally? I want to know. I feel it’s important enough
    to dig for it and try it – can we really keep thinking someone else is
    going to do this for us – it’s getting awfully late in the game and no one
    else is taking it on for us – nor should they. We really need to do this
    for ourselves; our country; our earth. If the people in this little town in
    Germany have found a way to thwart the status quo, then I think we can
    learn something worth while from them . . . 

  4. U want me to disclose u right here whats with free energy? I’ll tell u!
    Thing is, sweety, energy is a living thing. U get it? The grid is a
    motherfucking cage to contain it. There r creatures on it. Good creatures
    but, dont piss them off. This is been known for many for a long time. Now u
    know. Remember: theres a lot of space out there. By the way, ure free
    energy too. Now lets see if they dare attempting against Me too. I wont
    tell u what I hope. #BIKEWHISPERER

  5. What makes more sense as a band-aid for the “problem of overproduction”?
    1. Pay people to make war
    2. Pay people to do nothing
    3. Pay people to dig holes and fill them back up again
    4. Deny the existence of any such problem, and blame collapse of consumer
    demand on government regulation
    5. Pay people to make wind turbines and solar panels

  6. we need renewable energy, and stop the oil use that is heating up our

  7. Lucien Harbuck

    Dieser fly in und ointment is; Germany has very little need for air
    conditioning! If they had to provide the per capita level of power
    necessary for say…, Florida; we wouldn’t be able to supply even 40%. It’s
    like the Soviet diesel-powered typewriter; it’s a ridiculous technological
    ‘stunt’ that the German’s perpetrate simply because they have a reputation
    for over-engineering everything! TNX for the video! BTW….in the last ten
    years every single BHP added to the most powerful BMW production engine
    (not racing) resulted in an equivalent number of highway deaths in Germany!
    In other words, one BHP = one dead German throttle-stomper! TNX for the

  8. I don’t see why people are so upset about the cost of constructing and
    implementing a new infrastructure. If that was a valid argument then you
    would have to say that no one should have drilled for oil in the first
    place because it was too expensive to build everything before oil prices
    dropped because of mass production.

  9. No new technology is EVER cheap at the start.
    In time when enough countries and industries take up the technology then it
    will get cheaper and more efficient.

    So while Germany will be paying a little more now. In the long run EVERYONE
    will benefit from it.
    Vorsprung durch Technik

  10. Germany had surplus money to invest. Renewable energy on exorbitant debt
    rates is no good. 

  11. Carbon dioxide levels in Germany have been increasing in the last three
    years despite the government spending nearly $140 billion (100 billion
    euros) on green energy since 2005.

    So-called progressives lie so much it really beggars belief. 

  12. Capitalism inhibits quick renewable energy advancements and establishment.
    Don’t be gang stalkers Lip TV!!! Blindly playing the pawns. That’s weak
    shit coming from such a conspiracy promoting TV show!!! Shame on you d-bags.

    The Zeitgeist Movement

  13. Why none of these guys ever say the truth, getin renewable or “Free” energy
    have been proven many times over the past 100years, the reason it never
    took off is the supresion by the oil oligarchs and the Crown.

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