Green birthday presents for teenagers?

This person is a vegetarian, a girl, and likes socially conscious gifts. Are there any green clothing brands that are cheap and attractive? Any ideas about what I should get her?
Also, she’s into art, good movies, good books, clothes and all that normal teenage stuff.

6 thoughts on “Green birthday presents for teenagers?”

  1. Give her the kind of green that lets her decide what art, movie, book or clothes she wants herself. It is made from recycled cloth by the way.

  2. A good clothing site is alternative apparel.
    A good "green" present would be perhaps all the supplies needed for growing basil or some other herb. I love gardening, and it is fun to grow herbs from seed.
    Other good ideas for already grown potted plants would be bromelias, or calatheas.
    Otherwise perhaps a good vegetarian cookbook, my favourite is Moosewood. The recipes are simple and very delicious.
    Good luck!

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