Green ‘Earth Day’ Fashion & Clothing : Vainglorious

Being fashionable can be good for the environment! Many designers have developed “green” lines. Many of their clothes are made out of recycled materials or oragnic linens. We show you how to stay fashionable and eco-friendly! Vainglorious is a weekly show that covers the latest fashion trends with hosts Kristen Turner and Kristen reeves providing their fashion & style tips and How-Tos. They show also covers celebrity trends and other entertainment, fashion or designer industry news and events. Be fashionable and fabulous on a shoestring budget! New episodes every Thursday on ThreadBanger Style, part of the ThreadBanger Network. Vainglorious: Twitter ThreadBanger Style:

5 thoughts on “Green ‘Earth Day’ Fashion & Clothing : Vainglorious”

  1. You see, I just don’t think Threadbangers should be your target audience. I think, on the whole, we don’t care about what’s “trendy” or “cute”. One of the original points of Threadbanger was to stand out in a crowd, not to blend in.

    That’s not to say that I hate you guys or anything, I just think you’ve made a massive error and it’s not going to work for you.

  2. The purses don’t look “vegan”. You two are idiots. You both make me want to go pour a bottle of ammonia into a river. I’m an environmentalist and fashion student and I’m ashamed by the both of you and your tacky taste..

  3. I love the cute fashion you found, but it seems to me you missed some point here. “Get in your *car*, drive to *H&M* and *buy* it. Great for the environment? Don’t think so. Sorry to be the bitter bitch.

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