Green future is possible! The eco house of Simon Dale WWW.GOODNEWS.WS The house; It was built by myself and my father in law with help from passers by and visiting friends. 4 months after starting we were mo…

24 thoughts on “Green future is possible! The eco house of Simon Dale WWW.GOODNEWS.WS”

  1. There are no building codes in my county, and we’re only one county away from Houston. Of course land values have gotten ridiculous, but if you’re in an unincorporated part of the county you can build whatever you want.

  2. Rather than linking me “articles”, how about you take the time to read the “Laws”. You know, b/c the media and news have in RECENT years decided that facts are stupid and scaring the shit out of people keeps up ratings. I lived outside the system for almost 3 years. It wasn’t really all that hard…I signed a piece of paper.

  3. wishmurderwaslegal

    Well i’m sure if the dogs were called in, in a sense to check code but the truth is I know more than 10 families that live in far more unsafe and deplorable conditions than this. Heck, I even know a guy who lives in one of those small shed things that sit out front of home depot. Another guy had a full wasp colony living in his ac return. South East and West Texas are nice places to live if one wants to live like this, Honestly no-one cares what you do down there, the majority of the time.

  4. delindsay90210

    I don’t think there is a single County in all of the lower 48 states in the USA that would EVER allow a person to occupy a building like this one. They would (and have) go as far as razing it to the ground before they allow you to live in a building that isn’t 100% code compliant. Most counties even require the home be at least 600-1000 sq ft to be occupied by Humans as habitation. Such a sad time we live in.

  5. delindsay90210

    I not going to bother linking just the RECENT articles showing how the US Govt, or the local Govt are doing everything they can to take away living like this. The more you try and live outside the system, the harder the system will come down on you. It’s a sad truth in today’s modern society.

  6. delindsay90210

    FACT! There are fewer and fewer places in the world today where you can ever hope to build a home as beautiful and healthy as this.

  7. um…no. You can still homstead in the U.S. The problem is people want to homestead. But then want to then gain access to gvn’t programs. The reason you have “ownership” is not b/c of fatcats. But b/c when homesteading began. It was like you say you’d like it. The problem is, once you built you house and farmed the land,someone would come and take it from you(by force usually)and there’d be shit you could do to stop them. The wild west isn’t just movies and T.V shows.

  8. Wow!!! This is just absolutely enchanting. I would LOVE to live in this house!!

  9. they have simular houses like this that can be built , find someone that speacializes in straw bale houses

  10. The USA… you can build you’re own home but it can’t be anything like this

  11. hmmngbrdcottage

    I didn’t realize my breathing had slowed down while watching this…I felt transported. I love your home. I wish I were younger and stronger so I could attempt this. Enjoy every moment there I would!

  12. 2:05 Surprisingly spacious. Anyone know how long a dwelling like this might last, given reasonably mild weather throughout the seasons? For example, similar dwellings have been built around coastal BC Canada, where our weather is relatively mild year-round. Any ideas about the maintenance required? This is an exceptional example of the steps taken to realize this man’s vision on an beautiful eco-home. Thank you so much for posting, thoroughly enjoyed this one!

  13. why blessses whatev im going to go watch justin beiber f this shit! 😀 IM A TROLL! trolololololloololololololol oh wait only old people watch this video they dont know who jb or trolls are lol funny!!

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