Green Homes North Program: Expo 2012

Minneapolis, MN. (August 8, 2012)…The University of Minnesota’s Urban Research and Outreach/Engagement Center (UROC) was the home for today’s Green Home North Program Expo. The Green Homes North Program will provide home buyers with newly constructed green homes on City-owned vacant lots in North Minneapolis to strengthen the sustainability of our communities. Green Homes North will incorporate: quality green design standards; green, energy efficiency, and sustainability standards; job creation and workforce development; sourcing of local green products; and marketing to meeting homebuyer expectations. This is the first year in a planned five year program to build 100 new homes. Request for Proposal: The City of Minneapolis through its Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) department is accepting applications for the Green Homes North Program. Green Homes North is funded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the City of Minneapolis* and the Family Housing Fund with 2-3% loans available from the Twin Cities Community Land Bank. The program funds will assist developers with development gap financing for new construction. CPED is offering approximately one million dollars in funding in 2012. Proposals are due by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. Visit the website, *(This video was filmed and produced by Don Allen 612-986-0010 or

1 thought on “Green Homes North Program: Expo 2012”

  1. So what - I didn’t put the word “research” in UROC’s name…this was a freebie.

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