Green Living…………….?

Are you doing it?
Is it a top essential in your life?
Do you care?

4 thoughts on “Green Living…………….?”

  1. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    I’ve been doing my part to stop global warming even before Inconvenient Truth came out. if you ask me, global warming is the biggest threat we face as a country.
    here are some things i do:
    1) reduce the number of trips you make when driving. plan your routes beforehand on google maps
    2) buy locally- if you buy from a local farmer, it means less gasoline was burned in transportation of the food.
    3) go vegetarian- I haven’t done this one myself but i hear it can reduce your footprint
    4) buy carbon offsets- I used a calculator at to find out my total emissions and then I had them take my emissions out of the atmosphere. it was pretty cheap.

    going green is a great thing to do, and very easy these days.

  2. Yes.

    the health and welfare of my family is my top priority, but I find living green ties into that.

    Yes, I have children and hope to leave a healthier planet for them and their children.

  3. I care, and I actually just asked a question on here about how to live more "green." I care alot, too. It is very important that we not only care, but we make suggestions to other, so that they begin to care more as well.

  4. Dr. Clandestine:)

    Yeah, it takes a big part of the world.
    It makes the world exist and live freely with us roaming it.
    One of the top essentials are this.
    It is a essential all should love and cherish and take care of.
    Duh, I care.
    This is a priority of which needs serious action.
    All should care.

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