Green Living: Are you supposed to flatten plastic water bottles before putting them in the recycle bin?

my old apartment complex made us do that. but is that a general rule?

3 thoughts on “Green Living: Are you supposed to flatten plastic water bottles before putting them in the recycle bin?”

  1. bluelotussmellslikebananas

    I suppose that’s better than flattening disposable diapers which both are filling the dumps at alarming rates. It’s best not to use either.

  2. The reason to flatten the water bottles is so they take up less space in the bin. That way, they need less bins.

    You can also remove both the top and bottom of some cans. That way you can flatten them as well. Just don’t cut yourself on the lids.

  3. ♪♫ Daniel☮♫♪

    you dont have to but it is a good idea because more plastic can be fitted into the same space,potentially reducing the fuel needed to transport the material to a recycling centre

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