Help with Green Home Building?

i need to make a model for a class project and i would like to know what type of features a "green bulidng" has. And any other things i need to know about a "green home".

2 thoughts on “Help with Green Home Building?”

  1. I was wathcing a show last night "Eco-Tec" and it was very interesting. It had building s that had:
    1. Solar panels built into the building facade (skin) and were actually a part of the building material, saved material cost and collected solar enery to heat water.
    2. Green roof tops. These work in manty ways, they collect the rainwater that falls on them and the water not only does not over burden our city’s sewer systems, the water can be used for the building’s landscaping. Also, they place the air conditioner/heater unit in the green rooftop area becasue the ambient temperature is less there so the unit uses less energy, does not over heat.
    3. Use renewable material inside the building itself. Rather than buying all newly manufactured material, buy those that have been recycled and are being reused.
    4. design the building to use natural light in gathering areas so no use of electricity.
    5. Get the homes heating from geothermal energy. They stick a probe deep into the earth where there is much more heat than the surface and draw it up for use to heat up the house water.

    there are many many otehr things, these are a few.

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