How come Hollywood liberals support green living yet travel in private jets, tour buses, and limos?

13 thoughts on “How come Hollywood liberals support green living yet travel in private jets, tour buses, and limos?”

  1. in their screwed up minds once they get rid of all the coke in their noses perhaps they will see light again

  2. Because they are hypocrites that force this issue down mainstream America’s throat just as long as they don’t have to change their lifestyle.

  3. Patriotism On A Stick

    Wait a second… first, you ridiculed actor Ed Begley, Jr for driving an electric car, and now you’re ridiculing other actors for NOT driving electric cars?

    I guess nothing makes a nutjob like you happy — I mean, besides ridiculing people.

  4. The same reason why "fiscal conservatives" manage to drive up the defecit to obscene amounts, because they CAN.

  5. Probably just like the Republicans who own business’s and the government who say they care. Their ALL hypocrites.

  6. right you are ken

    The same reason many executive level managers in corporate America does…they have the money to afford that lifestyle. Jealousy and envy will get you nowhere.

  7. The same reason Andrew Carnagie built libraries. Guilt.

    They all yearn for the socialist heaven in public, but in private enjoy the fruits of capitalism. They view themselves as the elite ruling class, even though they haven’t been elected.

  8. The same reason why they claim to support the American worker and unions, and then make their movies in Canada where they don’t have the same unions and the wages they have to pay the workers is lower.

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