How do I get the green color out of my white clothes? ?

I have white clothes that had turned green because of the color of the grass. It’s a a very light green color. What I would like to know is how to remove it from the clothes. Is there any product that will do that? Thank you for your answers.
Thank you for your answers. However, I forgot to mention the fact that some have "paonted" designs on them. I don’t know if bleach affects that. I will try what you have said. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “How do I get the green color out of my white clothes? ?”

  1. There is a couple of things you can use…. Spray n wash works oxy clean or awesome. apply a generous amount let it sit for ten minutes and when you wash , make sure the cycle is on hot and dont be afraid to put a little bit more bleach then you usually use. not a whole bottle of bleach but a slightly generous amount.

  2. Just pre-treat the grass stains with detergent like Tide. Then wash as usual. The clothes should come out nice and clean.

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