Huge mansion built with sustainable design – Built Green video

On a steep lot that was initially considered to be unbuildable, a dedicated team of design professionals produced the first LEED-certified-Platinum home in M…

24 thoughts on “Huge mansion built with sustainable design – Built Green video”

  1. Jordan Barnett

    Sounds like high efficiency, but not like it isn’t truly sustainable to me.
    I have looked into a lot of homes. To me a Sustainable home is energy
    efficient, provides its own electricity, its own water, and vegetables.
    With an option of still being tied into the water system, and having a
    secondary power grid in case of situations where the primary self sustained
    resources fail.

  2. A builder wants to do things as best as they can. It seems a large part of
    the focus was on energy consumption. They put into the planning a lot of
    thought into size of rooms. In this climate that was a win-win because they
    went beyond and built a true livable design. True sustainability and green
    building is reusing materials within the local area. The builder did a
    marvels job in construction and accomplishing a green building that will
    stay a beautiful design for years into the future.

  3. I love it!!! I want to live in it!!! 🙂 Looks like my dream home. I’m all
    about sustainability. We’ll see what comes up, maybe there are more like
    this… but this basically has made it possible to see my dream home in the
    materialized version and now it’s a matter of seeing a home like it in the
    area that I prefer.

  4. i blame youtube. i’ve subbed to kristen dirksen’s videos for a couple of
    years now and i don’t think any of their videos have ever come up on a side
    panel until recently. i also sub to dwell and other style type channels.
    just coming across this. dont know how long they’ve been around though.

  5. Laura Some Number

    They seemed very vague. Seemed to be doing the bare minimum too me. Things
    that all houses should be force to live up to.

  6. Not once did they mention the amount for water, electric and gas bill….
    despite throwing the words green and sustainability liberally around. Want
    to bet the bill is 2-3 times of that for an average home?

  7. What a gorgeous home! I’d love to see the garden … come to think of it –
    a sustainable rooftop garden in that AstroTurf area wouldn’t go astray.

  8. Stunning design meets sustainability…. one of the first and only LEED
    certified platinum homes 

  9. Stunning design meets sustainability…. one of the first and only LEED
    certified platinum homes 

  10. Erika Storm Wasser

    Stunning design meets sustainability…. one of the first and only LEED
    certified platinum homes 

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