for my condo association and am looking for the little ways people make a difference every day. I have the basics, such as shutting off lights, keeping the thermostat low, using a full dishwasher, unplugging chargers, shutting off computers and electronics when not in use, etc…..but am hoping to find more to add to the list!
trust me these sites can help you ALOT ecomall is awesome and i visit green.alltop everday along with treehugger
Use curtains that block out more heat and light.
Replace lightbulbs with energy-efficient ones.
Reuse water from washing dishes, brushing teeth, bathing, etc. to water plants (the suds are even an eco-friendly way to rid your garden of pests).
Here are some great blog posts that tell you all about how you can help the environment:
We need to convert our main energy infrastructure to geothermal power. Theres 130000 times more of it available than we use right now. The evil rich jerks do not want us to find out about this because it would end the excuses they have for oil, coal, and nuclear power, as well as biofuels.
Yes, there is a writer called Laura Silver who writes for the Valley News who does columns on this subject.
Have a rack of bicycles that people can borrow for short trips in or around the condo. This could replace 1 or 2 car trips per week.
Oh, I did a project on this! These are the tips that I had. YOu can also go to, (the site for the movie "An Inconvenient Truth"- which I reccomend you and your condo watch!) and they have a TON of tips that you can easily do. Here was the list I compiled for my project.
1. Unplug electronics when you’re not using them! Even when turned off, things like computers and televisions use energy. In fact, the energy used to keep display clocks lit and memory chips working accounts for 5 percent of total domestic energy consumption and spews 18 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year!
2. Recycle anything with the “recycle sign” on the bottom. You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide a year by recycling half of the waste your household generates.
3. Eat less meat. Methane is the second most significant greenhouse gas and with every breathe (because of their grassy diet and multiple stomachs..), cows exhale methane into the air. Switching just one of your meals every week from a hamburger to pasta will make a difference.
4. Take the bus! You cut the amount of CO2 you emit from driving to school in half if you take the bus. Take the bus instead of doing twice as much driving as necessary. Your parents will thank you too, because they won’t have to pay for the gas!
5. Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb, and about 300 pounds less carbon dioxide a year. If every family in the U.S. made the switch, we’d reduce carbon dioxide by more than 90 billion pounds!
6. Move your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer. Almost half of the energy we use in our homes goes to heating and cooling. Two degrees won’t make a noticeable difference in your home’s temperature, but it’ll save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
7. Use less hot water. It takes a lot of energy to heat water. You can use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead (350 pounds of carbon dioxide saved per year, and washing your clothes in cold or warm water (500 pounds saved per year) instead of hot. You can also save 554 pounds of CO2 from being emitted each year by shortening your showers by just 3 minutes.
8. Use a clothesline instead of a dryer. In the summer, hang your clothes outside on a clothesline instead of wasting electricity by drying them inside. If you air-dried your clothes for 6 months of the year, you could save 700 pounds of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere (46 pounds every time you used the clothesline instead of the drying machine!)
9. Tell your parents to buy Energy Star appliances. An Energy Star refrigerator uses 119.9 pounds of carbon dioxide less per year as opposed to your average refrigerator.
10. Print papers, essays, homework, etc. DOUBLE-SIDED! Most printers have a setting that allows you to print double-sided, but otherwise just reload your paper into the printer after you’ve printed one side. It’ll use twice as much energy as printing single-sided, half as much paper, and far less trees!
1) Use incandescent lightbulbs.
2) One night a year, stay in your room with the AC on, make a bonfire, and ceremonially burn copies of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth
I turn the lights off when I leave a room (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I don’t litter (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I unplug anything that isn’t being used or that doesn’t have to be plugged in (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I recycle whenever I am able to (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I don’t smoke or use any "recreational drugs" (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I ask others not to litter when I see that they’re about to (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I use public transportation or walk whenever I can (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
When I drive, i beat 55mpg
I do not own any personal motorized watercraft, aircraft, or a hummer (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I do not have gasoline bonfires (Ask Endorsement) (Oops) ()
I recycle, even when it is not convenient
I own some second-hand / re-use clothing
I ride/walk more than drive
I do not own a car (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
When I drive, it’s over 40mpg baby
In public restrooms, I dry my hands naturally by using only time
I don’t buy disposable plates/utensils (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I eat only free range, sustainable animal products
I am vegan
I eat one locally sourced meal a week
I do not shop except for essentials
I read/learn a lot about environmental issues
I give money or volunteer time to green non-profits
I hang dry my laundry
I turn down my water heater when I’m not using hot water
I offset my carbon emissions
I use mostly recycled paper products
I flush selectively (and the people who live with me accept that) (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
Most of my lightbulbs are compact flourescents
Most of my batteries are rechargable
I carry a mug for drinks I buy to go
I do not use any chemicals in my yard (Ask Endorsement) (Oops) ()
I saw The 11th Hour and talked with my friends about it
I reuse my water bottle instead of buying bottled water
I reuse bags. (Both paper and plastic) (Ask Endorsement) (Oops) ()
I use a digital camera (Ask Endorsement) (Oops)
I donate old clothes and other items instead of throwing them away
I do not shop at Wal-Mart
I use towels more than once before washing them
I support John Edwards for President
I support presidential candidates who plan to protect the environment and to help it thrive
I installed GreenPrint and use it to save paper on my PC
I bring my own containers for take out and restaurant leftovers
I shop the farmers market weekly
I do not commute; I live close to work/school
I talk to my friends about living green
I do not take distant vacations/business trips
I live in a space smaller than 1000 square feet (per person)
I use mostly all-natural, biodegradable cleaning products
I know how my electricity is generated, and have made the greenest choice
I don’t have a yard, or it has only local, low maintenance vegetation
I (will) have no more than 1 child, or I will adopt additional children
I saw Garbage! the movie, and thought about the amount and lifecycle of my garbage
here are some website that could help you
here are some tips
1. Resist the urge to live in a refrigerator.
78 degrees is plenty cool in the house. Turn down the AC and get a programmable thermostat so you’re only cooling the house when you really need to.
2. Air dry your dishes and clothes.
The dryer and dish washer use a lot of energy– and the air does the drying job just as well. See some great clothes-drying racks here.
3. Take shorter showers and do not take baths.
Hot water heating is one of the major uses of energy in any home. Showers are the way to go– and keep ‘em short. Baths use much more water and heat than do baths (unless you’re taking 30 minute showers!).
4. Make sure you have energy-efficient lighting throughout your home.
Everyone has heard about compact fluorescent lights by now– but are you up to date on LED lights? Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have come a long way, baby, and they are often 10 times more efficient than compact fluorescents.
5. Ditch the beer fridge.
It’s amazing how many homes have two refrigerators. Please do not use more than one fridge. And if you have an old model, get a newer Energy Star model.
6. Use ceiling fans rather than AC.
They are much more energy-efficient and you can get very reasonably priced Energy Star models.
7. Get solar screens for your windows.
These screens cut 75% of the heat coming through your windows, but don’t impact your visibility. They are really great energy savers. See them here.
8. Plant trees!
Placing deciduous trees on the South side of your home is a great way to block summer heat, but keep the sun shining on your home in the winter when you need the warmth.
9. Spend one night each week in candlelight.
It’s romantic, fun and inspires new conversation. If you’ve got kids, how about turning off the TV one night and playing a board game by candlelight? Clue would be particularly spooky!
10. Use a solar oven for some cooking.
They really work! You don’t want that hot oven on in your house anyway. You can either buy a solar oven, or you can learn to make one yourself. It’s another fun summer activity to do with your kids.
here in ebay you can buy some Solar Power Panel
try getting motion detector light switches.
alittle costly in the beginning.
i am really bad at turning off the lights around my house. so this change actually helped me save $40 this month alone on electric bills.
also energy effieciant light bulbs.
sell recycling directly to recycling plants,
tinted windows.
try asking on because that gives you answers.
low flush toliets and taking shorter showers.