I need a publisher for my book on green living…?

Anyone have publisher suggestions or someone I can email my query letter to? My book is on green living on a budget.

2 thoughts on “I need a publisher for my book on green living…?”

  1. I don’t know of any by name, but I would suggest researching some green living books and who published them. Then approach some of those companies.
    Good luck

  2. Visit http://www.agentquery.com or, at the library or bookstore, look for Writer’s Market 2009, Guide to Literary Agents (published by Writer’s Digest), or Bowker’s Literary Marketplace. Look for agents that handle non-fiction/green books, and follow their submission guidelines.

    There are a tiny number of publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don’t go through a literary agent), so getting an agent is a really good idea.

    Good luck!

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